Screw you guys, I'm taking all the BNB

in #leofinance3 years ago

I knew this day would come and that I would be tempted by temptation itself.

Would I be strong and hold my head up high or give in and bite the apple as that mad bint in the bible did?


So screw you guys. I'm taking what looks like a GABILLION DOLLARS!


That's hilarious!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was a sight to see!! Sadly, when I claimed the rewards it went to zero and I didn't have 12 gabillion BnB in my wallet, *sob"

Even though you're a Gabillionaire, I hope you keep consulting if for the stories alone...

Haha, I will never change. Not even for all the Gabillions! :OD

We know... that's why you're our favourite of all Boomys.

Hahah, I shine among them all!!! ;OD

LOL, I saw this in my wallet the other day and once my heart began beating again I realized that numbers don't go that high, so it must have been a bug.

For a glorious moment though you just think ... Could it really be!!! :0D

Yeah… so I guess that must be what rich people feel like all the time?

They probably do, and when something like this happens they see a greyed out button with no BNB and shriek in horror

Haha yeah, I think you just described what happens to them when a hacker empties their wallet :)

I tremble in fear at the very mention of such things!

Although I am fairly sure that I wouldn't be giving up my seed phrase to anybody. Duck Table Flare Jizzum Doctor Tumble Field Ball Pie Stick


I'd be more concerned about the keylogger your government installs on all your devices via coerced manufacturer backdoors.

P. S. your seed phrase has jizzum and balls in it too? What are the chances?

Wtf?…. An interface bug?…

I funking hope not!!! I am clicking the button!!

Congratulations! The dream manifested in form of mirage 😂

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