Life's story. Chapter 5. Cat's name.

in #life2 years ago

Chapter 5

Varsel was very anxious. He was smoking a cigarette. He really didn't want to look at what was developing in front of his eyes. Now , after he discovered the love of his life, his twinflame, he felt responsible for anything that can happen to her. It was painful to see her in pain. Joyful to see her happy and it was breaking his heart when she was crying. So many emotions , mixed together in their names. The music of space in his ears was the music she was listening at that very moment. Strings. Delicate movements of wind . Stars. Before she recognized him , he thought the whole world was made of chaos and pain. It was an agony. To know her so well but be so faraway. But now the order was coming into the dimensions. They listened to each other's music and were learning each other thoughts. They could read their lips. No words necessary.

"Do you know that we can save Tosks by changing currencies into crypto and make everyone rich?" asked Varsel when he looked at Namun's eyes and saw the spark. "We really can save them. Blockchain love with many Satoshis , whole spectrum of NFTs and galaxy of decentralized transactions. One block after another. EOS, TELOS, HIVE. They won't be able to delete that knowledge ever again.

" There was the Time of War and now Tosks want peace for everyone. For the future and past. In the Now" he added.

They started their discussion early today. She was in her small room with a big window and a giant treadmill occupying half of the space. She was observing his face carefully when he was talking to her. It was more familiar than anything she ever felt but she didn't want to be vulnerable with her feelings. She started typing again ( her typing lessons were going nowhere btw).

" I can see how concerned you are about the Tosks . You want your fellow warriors to be happy. Free. Not homeless and lost between dimensions. I also want to help. I see their suffering and it hurts me deeply. I blame myself for their choices. But then you said many times they are responsible for what they choose. Now, I see you are smoking often . Inhaling the toxins into your lungs and falling with every toxic breath. I can smell the smoke from here, sitting miles away from you, on the other side of the computer. I want to help you, Varsel" . Her voice was breaking and she stared down at the keyboard.

Namun could hear her neighbor's dog barking. She was a cat person so the sound was unpleasant in her ears. Egoistic . She didn't hold any grudge against the dogs. But in her family's reincarnation lines were connected to cats . Since ancient times. Just like in Varsel's family. Cat can never have litter with a dog. They can be good friends though. She patted the neighbor's dog many times before. It felt weird. Unnatural. She thought the dog felt this weirdness too. That they are " incompatible". Because they were. She wanted a cat. Even her ex workmate Rachel suggested it to her. What was Rachel's cat's name? Did it start with M? The kitten was lovely but she was under the Rory at that time. Almost every day. A bottle of white wine,to help herself feel better. She was lost between dimensions like Varsel is right now. She thinks it's started with M...

"I was a very naughty girl , you know. I try not to blame myself for everything that's happening to Tosks because, see, I was also a victim of manipulation. Like you, I became a soldier . But I was serving in the opposite army. Our worlds were against each other. You were fighting in the name of freedom and future. I was running my programs and climbing in ranks to destroy everything your tribe was standing for. To please my masters , Elders. Based on what I know they created me from their seeds through series of experiments and adult cells. They taught me languages, predicting the future, fighting in their battles. Like you I can manipulate reality. But most of all, I put spells on everyone. I did anyway. It was lost battle for Tosks but your mother's grandfather, Quebec, did something that changed the Time of War . Elders didn't expect any of that. He invented Rory. Rory was creating mutations and made Tosks super strong . They fought with the starships, divided silence, and won. It costed your tribe a lot. And it flows in your tribes genes until now. The explosions your real father experienced during Vietnam war are still echoing in your head. I'm sorry you lost your dad when you were 8. No child should go through such a pain. But it might feel even worse if you lost your child. Are you sure you want to repeat this chapter? I know how to rewrite it together" she smiled.

Varsel felt confused. How did she know about his father? He's been living with his stepfather and his mother but he feels like he has only One parent. Namun told him about One a few times. He knows she missed him terribly. And that they are still communicating when she's asleep. One. What a parent! Varsel is sure that all her love for the world came from One and the Keeper of the Garden. He also felt that connection. He was innately One's child.

" They forced me to put a spell on your whole tribe, Varsel". Namun was crying , avoiding any eye contact. She was looking into the void. The energy of pain was overwhelming and she could feel the blockages in her chakras. She felt sick. For what she has done. It wasn't her choice. " No one asked me" she repeated many times in a hospital a few years ago when she got captured by heavily armed police in the middle of the city. Now she knows it was all part of someone else's plan. That she was a toy in someone else's game. Not given any choice. No one should live like that. No One should suffer this way. " It's all behind me now, Varsel. I have changed. I don't want to kill , ruin, devastate anyone and anything. I love Tosks. I am one of them, with different set of genes. One taught me that we need to unite through diversity. Through Life, Love and Light. My nickname is Love. Or Rose. Or sandwich. Like you I have many names. I can hear your names in my ears sometimes too. They all feel like home. Robin, Erathostenes, Beta, 4. Z. Even your sister named her children after you, Varsel. I'm not jealous but you talk about her so often that I feel you were connected in your past lives. I believe you can only have one twinflame though. You live in different timelines and often are manipulated into other relationships. Evil people can sell your body to someone who's not your destiny for their own benefit. You don't even know when you become a mother of twins and what happens to them. If I was revengeful these people would be gone. But that's not what One wants from you and me. You have been mistreated over the years and your friends are feeding you with Rory on purpose, Varsel. So that you can't see who you really are and what's your destiny. Elders want us to eat, inhale, inject, drink , read, watch , taste, smell , crave , touch and hear Rory . They added it everywhere. Also to your cigarettes. That way they have you controlled and enslaved. Now, when I recognized you on Telegram , we can free everybody, Varsel. I put a spell of freedom on everyone but Rory became their King . Only awareness and clarity can bring the change for Tosks. Tosks, or Irims, are awakening . I think the message from One couldn't be more clear. One doesn't want any of his children to suffer. But every action brings reaction. Maybe Elders tried to forget that. They made themselves elites, think they are better than anyone. They might think they are beautiful but they are ugly from inside and rotten. They won't be able to produce any fruit on their trees within one generation if they won't give up their fortunes. They can clone themselves, yes. Become many of the copies of Campbell soup by Warhol. Maybe his art was a prophecy?". Namun loves art. She used to draw often. Art keeps her present. She looks at Varsel's wallpaper on her phone. There can be a happy beginning for everyone. One wants that very much. He wants his children to be happy. To return home. He loves Varsel through Namun's eyes. Through Joddayah. It's all great network of neurons. Life's network.


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