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RE: Signals

in #life3 months ago

Jesus, so many people are going to get recked this time around! I feel like it's 10x more scammy than the last bull run. Do you feel that? I'm so glad we got in as early as we did, we've been raked over the coals enough not to fall for most of this stuff. Lol.


I do and have been feeling that. With crypto being that touch more mainstream now I fear that it is going to lure a lot of noobs in who will then spread the word of fear when it all crashes back down again!

I share that concern. I think it could be the end of a lot of the real money making opportunities in alts. I've heard so many people who've been in this space since the beginning say this will be the final "traditional" bull cycle.

They are probably right. I think the introduction of DeFi and then NFTs have dramatically changed perceptions and expectations on both the shifts of investors looking for a return and the scammers who fleece them!

Agreed. We need to bring cypherpunk back to crypto.

Absolutely man, absolutely!