A Trail And A Teapot

in #lifelast month


I'm a pretty simple hobbit. You surround me with friendly company, some tasty comestibles, and something fragrant to sip on and I am in the joy zone.

However, once in a while something comes along that delights my fancy.

The hubs inquired a few days before my birthday what I wanted for the occasion. I replied honestly that I really just wanted to sit around a fire in my yard, play a bunch of cornhole, and just shoot the bovine fecal matter with some of my nearest and dearest.

He pretended to believe me, but pressed the issue further, and then I remembered The Treepot.

If I were to be a frivolous spender, I would most definitely own most of the inventory from The Spice and Tea exchange. They must know that I am intrigued by their wares, because I sure do get a lot of emails from the fine establishment.

Well, a couple weeks ago I got a buy this missive from the purveyors of taste and sip, and there, smack dab in the middle of the email, was a little clay teapot that looked like a chunk of tree.

I really, really liked the looks of it. Like, a lot.

And danged if the hubs didn't order that teapot and a selection of organic rare green and ruby oolong for my taste-buds to savor!

Which brings us to today. My friends who live up north near Sandpoint and I haven't got to do our weekly trail hiking for a hot minute due to all of us being stricken with some rather ridiculous health issues. We are all on the mend and decided to start our weekly walks back up with a sedate meander along the shores of Lake Pend Oreille on The Bay Trail.

On the way to meet my pals, I stopped at the post office, and to my delight, my Treepot was in sight!

So, while I waited for my friends to arrive, I unpacked my new Treepot and marveled at its awesomeness!

It has a built-in, removable stainless steel infuser, a really cool bamboo handle, and holds the equivalent of two cups of tea, which is perfect for me!

In fact, I am sipping a cup of Rooibos right now that I brewed in that little Treepot. The first pot of many I am sure!

And on that earthy, red-tinged note, it is time for me to sign off for the night. I have a math final to take tomorrow, and today, aside from some prodigious studying, was a mighty fine day in the life of this Kat, full of good company, a marvelous meander, a magnificent bacon cheeseburger, and a fabulous cup of tea steeped to perfection in my little clay Treepot of cuteness!

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's not at all fragrant, thankfully, iPhone.

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What a delightful treepot! Happy birthday! Hope you won all the cornhole games.

Aww, thanks so much😊 My brother and I crushed the competition, so it was a good day indeed, much like today, I am sipping a delightful green tea that was brewed in the Treepot! Hope you are having a marvelous day as well!!


Cornhole Champion!!!!

Above all, it’s good that you were able to start your walks again
Happy birthday to you
I wish you the good things of life

You are so right and I beyond agree, I have missed the hikes!

And thank you so much for the well wishes, I hope all is well on your side of the globe too😊


I love the teapot! It is certainly unique. Glad you got to resume the hiking, too.

Thanks! I really have been enjoying it a lot, hope to day the same with the hiking lol! As usual though, things have gotten a bit more than interesting round here, so who knows what I will be up too as the months unfold....Sigh...



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