Getting new windows πŸͺŸ nstalled has been a pain in the πŸ‘ One problem 😠 after another 😑 😠

in #life β€’ 4 months ago

Why is it that everything I plan to do something always goes wrong, its every single time, nothing gets done smoothly or goes without a hitch. I booked my window installation to start yesterday, this has been planned for weeks. I booked for 7 windows, 2 doors and cladding for the peak of the house. I signed for it all, checked and rechecked, everything was supposedly ready,


Monday morning arrived, one window fitter arrived at 9.15, the first thing he asked was where is the scaffolding. The scaffolding should have been erected on Friday. Lots of angry phone calls, they managed to get the scaffolding booked for the next day but no one had a clue about the cladding. The window fitter left straight away meaning we were left at home with no curtains up, leaving the windows bare for anyone to look through. We weren't happy.

Today Tuesday 2 windows fitters arrived at 8.15, they still didn't have a clue about the cladding. I showed one of them the emails I had received that said the cladding would be installed with the windows. I'm now waiting for yet another phonecall from one of the managers. Anglian Windows you are great at putting information down on paper but organising an installation has been really stressful, your company lacks communication.



Tuesdays work is done, the upstairs is finished they just need cleaning. We have been up to check on them, they look lovely, the lads have done a good job, I can now see outside as the old windows the seal had gone with condensation filling the gap between the double glazing. There is going to be a big gap in my bank account once they are finished but will be worth every penny.

We were very surpeised when we went to check the new windows, all the new windows have a air vent attached at the top of the window.



The fitters are back tomorrow to fit the last 2 windows plus 2 new doors and hopefully the cladding. I'm still waiting for a manager to call, can't see that happen today. Anglian your customer service is atrocious.

One more early morning then I can have a couple of lies in, I'm shattered and so are my 2 dogs, they usually lie in with me, getting up at 7am is way too hard. I'm not a morning person, mine doesn't start until lunch time.

Its been freezing all day with having the doors and windows open and it's going to be a chilly evening as have to keep the doors open to help remove the smell of the silicone, don't want our bird or fish to get ill. I now have to go shopping for voiles for the windows to stop noseyy neighbours peeking.

Time to relax and put the heating on for half an hour.

Thank you for visiting. πŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

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There does always seem to be glitches in any improvement plans but as you say, it will be so worth it in the end!

The customer service is really bad, I'm not paying until they get it sorted.