Great news about Mika ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฉบ she is on the mend๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ƒโค๏ธ

in #life โ€ข 5 months ago


Mika is still with us and on the mend. We had another bad night last night, not so much with Mika it was me and hubby keep waking up to see if she is OK. The Two nights before she had us up every hour wanting to go out, she couldn't sleep with constantly wanting to go out as both ends were in action, if it wasn't her being sick she had diarrhoe. Last night she slept most of the night, she must have been exhausted and weak without eating and drinking.

We managed to get her an appointment for 10.20am today, it gave us enough time to get ready. The Vet did the usual checks, she doesn't like the temperature being taken from her back end, she must have been sore. He said she had Gastroenteritis, he gave her an injection and some probiotics. Nothing to eat or drink until around 6ish after we have given her the probiotics. We have to feed her Chicken and rice or scrambled eggs. I've bought some Chicken thighs, they are cooking in the oven ready for 6, I'm also cooking some Chicken for Luna as she won't like being left out.


Mika is chilling on her dads knee whilst he and my daughter play a few card games. She keeps going out looking for her water bowl, we have had to pick them up until 6 when she's allowed to drink. She's a lot better she's found her voice again.

She has at last fallen asleep, I've told hubby not to move or wake her up, I'm hoping she will sleep until 6 when she's allowed to eat and drink. She must be chasing someone in her sleep as her legs won't stay still. The sleep will do her good, I hate having to say no to food and water but I've got to do what the Vet said and want her better as quick as possible.


When we got to the Vets there was a couple who were holding 2 little Chihuahuas, the lady said there's something going around as her 2 little ones had had the same, they were OK now but was worrying at the time, they were so cute.

I have Mika insured incase of things like this but also have a an excess that I will pay everything over ยฃ100, today cost me ยฃ90 so no need to go through the insurers. I would have paid a fortune to get her better, losing one dog last year is enough for us to handle.

Thank you for visiting. ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

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This dog looks funny ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ ... I am sure it is also all day there and sleep. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ

My pup is gorgeous ๐Ÿ˜

Give him some good bone :)) it makes him extra happy :))

Shes having cooked chicken, think she very happy ๐Ÿ˜‚

Awww...I'm sorry she has been ill but happy that things are looking up! It is really hard to tell them no as they have no way to know why not lol. You're a good dog mom!

It's so terrible when they get sick! I always feel broken in such a situation and I feel very sorry for you. I hope Mika will get better soonโค๏ธ