Very busy 🐝 house clear out 🏑 πŸ—‘ with plans for a birthday πŸŽ‚ treat. 🎈 πŸŽ‰ πŸ₯³

in #life β€’ 4 months ago

Hi friends, sorry haven't been around for a few days I've had so much to do I'm shattered, my daughter Nichola said to me this morning Why have you got black eyes I'm that tired you would think some one had blacked my eyes. We have all been busy getting the house ready for the window fitters to arrive tomorrow, we had to strip my bedroom to make room for them to get in, we've taken everything down that would be in the way, we still have to take the curtains down, that will get done either later tonight or very early in the morning, they are coming between 9am - 10am.


I am looking forward to Thursday when all the work will be done and we can get back to getting the house sorted. Next plan save up for a new kitchen. I don't like taking debt on so don't use finance, I would rather save up and pay for it all at once, no monthly payments hanging over my head, we have been in debt before, had to use a Debt plan which took a good few years, I'm debt free now and that's how it will stay.

I would like the house cleared out, me and hubby have been hoarders over the years saving things we might use in the future but never have, I want to take it all to a charity shop giving me so much more room. First thing that needs doing is the attic, we have so many Christmas trees up there, decorations and children's toys that could probably be washed down and another child get some fun out off it, we then want to seal the attic up. I have so much in the kitchen that I will never use so that can all go to. Other stuff can be sold putting the money to getting the house finished.

2024 is a big year for me, I'm 60... I'm still 59 so hanging on to that for as long as I can. My mother in law is determined we celebrate it, I wanted to ignore it. She's lovely and always looks after me, she's better than my biological mother. We are going to celebrate my birthday with a family meal out, usualy that would mean just me, hubby, Nichola +1 and my mother in law this birthday we are inviting hubbys brothers and there wives. I have to decide the restaurant with it being my birthday, I have a couple in mind, still plenty of time before we book the table as my birthday isn't until May.

2024 will be a good year, I'm not going to worry about stupid little things, I'm going to enjoy my family and who are here now, not think about what could be. It is what it is and I'll cope.

Thank you for visiting. πŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

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I am always amazed that people in different countries have the same problems. I remember my story with the new windows. It was something of a nightmare and I couldn't wait for it to be over! And the same problem with the attic and storage rooms πŸ˜‰
This year is bound to be a happier one, as we are all wiser nowπŸ€—

I've certainly learnt a few things this year, certainly lost a lot of trust in people. The window start today, roll on Thursday 😴😊

Every time I see a post of yours I am very happy

Hi. I'm happy to see your message 😊

I hope all is well with you and your familyπŸ’•

Yeah all good here, just really busy.