Eons of time - finally ready for 2004

in #lifelast month

For a long time now I have been away from internet interaction, blogging, commenting - the things you do on the internet. Some accounts are still there some seems to have vanished, as is not uncommon when you exclusively attend the dark web.

It hasn't been a time without creative projects, art production, writing and fermenting of vegetables, but it has all been local, secluded or commercial.

A subtle lifeline back to all this has been Harald, my Norwegian friend, and Ifeanyi, my Nigerian friend, who both have checked in from time to time.

In the meantime I have been working myself up and out of a dark cave that I fell into while crossing the tricky terrain of the mid life crisis mountain range. Weary in soul, exhausted in body, tired in my Freudian superego I have tried to get hold of all those many projects I have initiated, while at the same time earning some money and doing my job as a father and husband and brother and son and what other gender specific and responsibility heavy titles I hold.

It has been fine to be offline for a while, but as a lot of my art projects have happened here in this strange electric realm, I have decided to return.

Let's see how that goes.

But what have I done in the meantime?! Well, a lot actually. A few picks include: finishing Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time, starting on an animated short film project, working on animation commercially (which is why I decided to make my own film), trying out the wonders of AI which is working with the fascination of uglyness, fermenting vegetables (as mentioned above), writing novels and making comics (but not Phill, not yet), and helping my youngest daughter open the door to the world of mathematics.


A screenshot from one of the tests of this new film I plan to make beginning from around August.

I hope to write a bit here again and go through the exiting times when the Bitcoin once more crashes. I have missed you.


We missed you dude, I even sent you an email.. like ages ago.

Thanks, at some point I was completely away from the screen. I am sure I've missed some mail on the way - actually now I am sure.

Good to see that so many of you are still here. I sort of feared to return to an empty house full of squatters. You get the drift, I'm sure.

Good to see you are back, we feared some health issue had hit you and that was it!

I guess it could have been health issues. Truth is I'm doing pretty good. It has been more like an mental fatigue.

Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing more about that animated film, in the near future.✨

Thanks! I will write about it when I get a bit closer to having a overview of it all.

Cool! I'll (try to) be patient. That's one thing that 6 years in Portugal have taught me ;<)

Welcome back, in whatever form your return takes. I think about taking a nice long break from my obsession with this place. I'd be fermenting a lot of vegetables too. Maybe even do some math.

So glad I came back before you started on that math recluse trip. It was Ifeanyi who wrote me, and then I suddenly realised that it might be a good idea to return to see how things were.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Math recluse trip?

Ifeanyi gave me news about you whenever he had any, which I was grateful to have.

Ifeanyi gave me news about you whenever he had any, which I was grateful to have.

That's good.

Maybe even do some math.

Such things are hard to control!


Sorry... sort of a personal joke. This Christmas I decided that I in 2024 wouldn't take no more bullshit from the legions of people who permanently wants my help, support and arse holding. But as I in not so subtle terms unfolded this great vision for the family's youngest (of not giving a shit about people and their petty lives), I kept saying 2004 instead of 2024 which my nephews and nieces were fast to point out. I then informed them that I didn't give a crap about that either, and now 2004 has become synonymous with the only-help-children-the-grownups-are-grownups-plan. My wife (who is even more plagued by people who need their existence wheel chaired for them) actually uses it much more than I do.

@katharsisdrill how have you been? Its been a long time.

I have been fine actually. Just didn't have energy for the internet. I hope to post and vote again here in the coming times.

We were looking forward to your post, it's just like when a person is a little worried, a long rest is necessary in this way, it improves our health.

Yea, sometimes you need time off. Goes for Social media too :)

good use of precious time