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RE: Signals

in #life3 months ago

There's a scammer around every corner as well as someone willing to be scammed. Can someone here take my money? Please?? Probably has a wishlist at the ready of things to spend his gainzz on. Sad, really.

Let the fleecing begin lol


I was reading a thing lately that was saying that the more confident you were about not being scammed the more likely it was that yo would end up getting scammed which gave me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I like to think I am uber savvy and wont be!

The fleecing will be relentless and will have no mercy!

Makes sense to me! When I first joined Hive, or the forerunner that is, I was trying to tell everyone about it, but after getting the verbal beatdown time and time again, I just kept my mouth closed. Now a few family folks are asking questions in a roundabout way about crypto in general. I'm tempted to make them beat it out of me, maybe just so I can gloat LOL

Oh man, I was the same! People thought I was in a cult or something or that I was being major scammed and would be crying in a few months.

At least they were wrong on the cultiness. Sorta! :OD

Well until they start issuing robes and hoods I ain't buying the whole cult thingy 🤣

I wouldnt mind a robe and a hood! LOL! :OD

😆 I can see you all secretive and menacing like that!

Me too, I would bloody suit it! 🤣