If I Can't Do It, It Can't Be Done

in #lifelast month

Just Had A Fun Call At Work

It's like all I post about these days. That's what I get for having a shift that runs so close into the blockchain's midnight. UTC turns to a new day at about 7 in the evening my time, and I still have an hour of work after that.

A user called in, hoping I could fix his 'user error.' Their passwords are kept by Windows credentials, and the amateurs just finished resetting their Office suite. Now, I gave you the punchline directly. It took some verbal fencing to get the one IT person to admit that, all the while his suggestions involved me tapping into my organization-wide supercomputer, to find one random person's deleted password to re-enable it.

Talk about wishful thinking.


The Trail Runners Were Delivered

So at least for 48 hours, I can stop listening to IT people diffuse their responsibility in messing things up, and I can claim rocks and small hills for fun. I think the plan is to get up early, hike before it gets unbearably hot for that activity and grab breakfast.

Then, for lunch, grab some groceries to go to my lady's father's house and grill. I would love some bratwurst. I am a fool for sausages and any cured meat in links. Plus, the season is really warming up to cuisine cooked outdoors. Summer's close, but not quite here.

And I'm Back to Wordsmithing

But I'm behind! Catching the plague last week really put a damper on writin' daily. What'd I pay this dude 60 bones for if I'm skipping my own Twitter writing class? I don't have a good excuse to blow it off, so I'm doubling down to make up when I had the cough. And man, are my fingers tired.