Thankful On Thursday

in #lifelast month


I spent a large part of the evening with introspection. It was good. I think I saw some more bias blind spots. Part of the determination to accomplish great things involves self belief. But part of the accomplishment relies on self reflection. "Am I doing the right thing?" "Could I be going about this wrong way?" Talkin' to yourself out loud is less structured and a touch alarming, so typing away at the keyboard teaches you a lot without scaring anyone.


U.S. president William McKinley has shot a cannon (labeled McKinley's Letter) that has involved a "straw man" and its constructors (Carl Schurz, Oswald Garrison Villard, Richard Olney) in a great explosion. Caption: "SMASHED!", Harper's Weekly, 22 September 1900

Looking At My Other Activities

I ordered some hiking shoes that are in transit, set to touch down tomorrow. I'd love that. The weather's been quite cool and inviting for long, contemplative walks. The May showers might even start with foggy mornings, which I would really like to see.

I got sick and didn't write for days. That's made me sad. I think I'm finding a rhythm for starting the day so late. Plus, starting in a few months, I'll be asked to visit the office more, so I think that shifting schedules will always challenge me. How do I respond? Check this out. We're playing with story structure and it's working out. It's kind of like when I started doing more dumbbell rows. I saw definition in my core. Constant repetition is the path to progression. Constant repetition is the path to progression.

I haven't reviewed a strain in too long, either. I also have photos I get to edit. And I gotta order food cuz it's stressin' out the lady.


I talk to myself alone too especially when I’m sad and it serves as a way to put me back on track especially when I know that I have not been doing the right thing

Yup. My mother says people who talk to themselves are either crazy or rich! So we'll see!