Working Up To Wednesdays

in #lifelast month

The smell of marijuana in the air reminds me of the humid, summer nights before and after rains. Reminiscing on the things we used to do to get by, I appreciate that I am not there anymore. Of course, I could bemoan everything I still don't have, like a Canon L f/1.2 II or more crypto. That, unfortunately, gets you as far as the bus stop. It's not for me.

I had a fun day at work today. To be clear, I didn't entirely enjoy it. The story would end up with your head shaking as you repeat quietly, "No good deed goes unpunished." I helped this old lady from Louisiana with some scanner software. She kind of sung my name when she spoke. I pumped my fist when we got off the phone and I had permission to close the case.

It wasn't long til I felt like shaking my fist. She called again, saying that the issue happened again. How could my fix last less than 24 hours? For some reason, the same problem nagged us again, the next day. This time, I suggest we run an office repair, as it usually resolved matters when I ran out of ideas. If you're having a tech problem next time, I am somewhat confident an online repair of Microsoft Office might fix it. It's especially good when you have issues with your email.


We never finished the repair though, because her device was exceedingly slow about it. So we cancelled it to reconvene the next day. What also happened to be next day was a meeting with another user- one with a problem who might really benefit from the repair, an organization-wide meeting, and lunch. So our fair lady, we'll call her Cinda, proceeded to call for me a total of 5 times of the course of 2 hours. I had messages from at least 3 people I've never spoken to before, telling me that I need to call her back. She would not accept help from anyone else, either. Though I didn't laugh at the time, she was in good humor and not the least bit upset. In fact, I was surprised to hear her disappointment that I might escalate the case to someone with more experiences to solve.

Still, this was a lot better then some calls I got this week, despite being in the hot seat. Maybe it's my mind adding the heat. After all, I wasn't irresponsibly idle or something. I just had some unfortunate timing, which was entirely my mistake. All this excitement and it's not even Friday.