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RE: Signals

in #life3 months ago

as if we were Gnagsters from the roaring twenties talking about some crazy cat down the speakeasy.

I like that spelling of gangsters ( intentionally or not ).

Looks like scamming season is upon us!

I immediately knew it was a scam, when he went from signal to Telegram ;<)

I guess you meant to say Telegram in the first place ( that's where the crypto BROZ/ scammers hang out.

In fact, I once almost lost a couple of thousand Euros ( that I had in Metamask ) 'thanks' to a fake Telegram support desk. That probably took place during the previous bull run (2021). I got to my senses, just in time and managed to move the funds to another wallet and so did my neighbor/ friend who I had tried to help, with his more substantial wallet. Phew!😅


Ha! The gnagsters! I have no idea how the hell that happened but it was not deliberate!!!

Yeah, everything about everything he said smacked of scam.

Glad your managed to stop that scam in its tracks from way back. It's so easy to believe these things especially when you are new to it all!

I was already four years into the game but new to Metamask/ DeFi and Telegram.
I genuinely thought I had reached out to the help desk of a big company haha! but smelled the fishyness, just in time.

I started using metamask about for or five years into my crypto journey and was horribly naive about this while defi thing. Fortunately I learned quick. I think we all did!!

Same here. I sure learnt my lesson there. Also lost 500 Euros from a defi wallet in a way that still blows my mind. The lesson I learnt is to not use metamask ;<) I only lost money there and quite a substantial amount, in several projects. The Wild West for sure.

I made a packet in metamask which is astonishing in itself that I didn't lose any in a DeFi way as I was a total newb and was blundering around in the dark!