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RE: Why I stopped therapy

It was a long one @hiddenblade but really worth the read. I've been diagnosed with one of those mental illnesses, too. Worst part was not getting enough sleep even if you want to 😭 I stopped my medication 3 years ago and although at times it's still crazy, it's been manageable.

I hope you get better with the help of your new doctor. Healing is a journey. I hope you get all the professional help you need and of course, love and support from the people surrounding you. It'll make a big difference. Through it all, remember you are not alone. 🥰♥️


Nice to hear that you have found ways to manage it.. yeah having sleep disorders is one of the worst feelings ever.. sleep is the only way for us to kinda forget about hard life for a while and yet we can't even do it right haha.

Thank you. Same goes to you as well❤️