Creating And Maintaining Good Relationships

in #motivation21 days ago

The friendship and relationships you make today may be part of what will make you tomorrow. In fact, there is no one that will not need someone else in the course of their life. This is because you are neither meant to live in isolation nor are you an island. There are things you may never achieve until you have followed the path of someone that has achieved that in the past. The person you company with will be what will principally determine what accompanies you in life. This is why you have to be cautious when you are creating relationships with people, so that you will not make unworthy friendship. Remember that your friends will ultimately determine the path your life will trail.


Image from Pexels

The relationships of the past might be what will provide the lifeline for you today. I remember a time when I was pursuing after a particular document to be signed for me in regards to my business. I had gone to the office times without numbers and each time, they will refer me to another office and then would tell me to come back again tomorrow. This kept happening and I was beginning to lose patience. The next day I went, luckily, I met an old friend who we had grown up in the same neighbourhood but had separated more than a decade ago. As soon as I saw him, he asked me what brought me to the office.

I explained everything to him and how I needed to sign the documents because time was already running out. There and then, he took me to his direct boss, who was the man I was actually hoping to see all these while. When we got into his office, he presented me well to the boss and adorably, he gave me attention. I tendered the necessary documents and to my surprise, in less than 5 minutes, all of them were signed. I could not hold my joy. When we left the office and I was thanking my friend, he referred me to a particular act of goodness I did for him many years ago which I had already forgotten. In his words, he told me "you showed me goodness when others did not, now is my turn to show you goodness."

Imagine if I had not built a good relationship with him when we were in the same neighbourhood, now that I needed his help, he may not come through. But because of the relationship we had built over time, he came through for me when I needed it most. In life, you do not have to underrate anyone because of their present situation. The person that is in need of help today may be the one that will turn out to become your helper in the not-so-distant future. This is why you have to try to be good to the people you see today on your way out, because they may be the one to provide you with help on your way in.


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In your own level, let there be someone that is benefiting from you - this is how to build future relationships in the now. Good friendship is not built on "give me, give me." The question is, what are you also giving to the person? If you have the mentality to become a parasite in the friendship, then you are not setting a good precedence. The measure you used to give to your friends will become the measure they will return. Before you want people to come through for you, try to ask yourself how many people you have come through for. Before you draw something from the table, also try to bring something to the same table.

You do not build relationships entirely on receiving, there is a place for giving and sacrifices. How you want your relationship to be built should start with you. A lot of people have thrown out what should have been a potentially beneficial relationship because they did not value the relationship. To maintain a friend or relationship, you have to learn to value the person and also respect their personality, choices, feelings, etc. This will make you to also earn your own respect from the person. Always bear in mind that a good relationship is built, not given, so you have to make the conscious effort to build it.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Relationship is really very vital and we must not actually joke with it because it is really very important actually

That's right. Thanks friend @biyimi