Focus On The Next Step

in #motivation12 days ago

One of the things that have kept a lot of people on the same spot is that they want to see the entire staircase before they start to climb. If only they can take their mind away from the end of the stairs and focus first on the step in front of them, it will help them to take prompt action. Whenever you want to get something done, you may not even have the entire support that you need, but it should not stop you from getting started. In fact, some of the supports that you need are meant to meet you in the course of taking your steps. You should be more focused on the next step to take and not on what is at the end of the long journey.


Image from Pexels

It does not matter what destination you have in mind, it will all begin with the first step that you take. Your dreams may be big, your ideas may be exceptional, your proposed destination might be mind-blowing, but what matters is the first step that you will take towards it. It is on that singular step that you can build on all other steps. If you keep waiting for when you will have a glimpse of the entire journey before you initiate your first step, you may continue to wait in vain. The truth is that it is the cumulative of the individual steps that you take, mixed with consistency, that will make you to arrive at your destination.

One of the things that I normally tell people is that if you continue to dream without putting any action into it, you are not different from the person that does not have any dream at all. In fact, your dreams are substantiated by the level of actions that you put into it. For the dreams to be fulfilled, there are some steps that you need to follow, starting with the first step. When someone wants to become a lawyer for example, they will first enter the nursery school, primary, then go through secondary school. After which they will enter university to purse a law degree. All these will lead the person into becoming a lawyer. If the person continues to dream of being a lawyer without entering primary school, they cannot fulfill the dream.

One of the major undoings of a lot of people, even in the business world, is that they continue to think and think without putting in any form of action. The action you put into something, irrespective of the size of the action, is still better then having a brilliant thought that is not acted on. What normally discourages people from taking step is when they consider the magnitude of the steps that they will have to take towards completing a task. But instead of seeing it that way, just take the first step and you will be surprised how other steps that look almost impossible will begin to look easy.


Image from Pexels

If you can brave the first step towards what you want to achieve, then you have already set the pace for more steps. When you want to move a car for example, you will first have to overcome resistance and then overcome inertia. This normally starts from the little turning of the engine and then engaging the first gear (for manual gears), after which the car will gain speed and then it will be headed towards the destination. If the car does not want to start small from the lowest gear, it may not be able to move to the highest gear. The same way in life, if you cannot take the step in front of you, you may not achieve your desired dream.

It does not matter how mind-blowing your idea or dreams appear to be, what will give life to it is the action you give in to it. You have to understand that things will only fall into place for you when you have done your own part by taking steps. I remember what a mentor and teacher once said in one of our motivational classes some years back and it still rings in my mind. He said "before you want someone to do something for you, try to do something for your own self." Always focus more on the next step to take in the immediate. When you live your live a day (or moment) at a time, you will see how beautiful life actually is.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


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