When The Billow Rises, Rise Above It

in #motivationlast month

In life, you cannot stop challenging situations from arising, but you can only decide what to do when it comes. As a sailor for example, it is not your duty to stop the storms or the billows from beating, because it is a natural event in the sea. However, you have a responsibility to navigate your way through it. In the same way in life, your success does not lie in the absence of trial or temptations, but in the the fact that you can face it and overcome it. You may not have a choice of when you will be faced with challenges, but you have a choice of how to face it. When you brace up yourself for what life brings to you, you will not be overwhelmed by it.


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One of the things you need to understand is that it is in the presence of troubles that you are meant to shine the brightest. In fact, for the fact that challenges come to you should become a pointer that you can overcome it and that you are doing well, so leverage on the challenges to create success. In darkness for example, when light comes, it will become the ultimate. No matter how thick the darkness is, you only need to face it with light to overcome it. You should know that rough times will come to you, but you should not quit at the face of it, rather you should stand up tall and face it squarely.

More often than not, your glory lies in passing through the tunnels of life. Of course, this will make you to see the light which they say is at the end of it, not by giving up inside the tunnel. There are some heights in life that you may not be able to attain without passing life's tests. In a school for example, your degree certificate will not be gifted to you, but you have to prove that you have earned it by passing through tests and exams. This will not only make you to value it, but will make you to defend it. More so, it is by passing the exam at the end of each session that will qualify you to access the next level of academics.

If you dodge exams, then you will remain at the same class. Similarly, if you do not confront the challenges that face you, you will not succeed. But when you have zeroed your mind to give life all it takes without cracking under oppositions, then you are on the path of success. A soldier cannot emerge as a General overnight without facing many combats and war scenarios. It is by going to war and coming back that they will prove themselves worthy as a good soldier. A soldier that refuses to go to war will also exclude himself from attaining a General rank. In life, to wish for challenges not to come is to wish to remain at the same spot.


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What makes a good sailor is not by the calm waters but a good sailor is made by the stormy and boisterous sea. In life, the more challenging the situation that comes to you is, the more glory that awaits you by overcoming it. If you are fan of football, then you will know that the opposition faced in a friendly match is quite different with the one faced in a World Cup finals. The reason is that the latter has a bigger prize attached to it, and as such, you need to pay a more intense price. In the same way, whenever it seems like you are passing through bigger challenges in life, just keep passing through it and giving in your best, because something great awaits you in the future.

It is how you deal with the challenges of the present that will determine your lot in the future. A mentor once told me that "oppositions are not to knock you out of your position but to establish you in your right position." If you see challenges as something positive, then you will react positively to them and then leverage on them to ascend to a higher place. Always have in mind that you have incredible abilities within you to face any situation that comes to you, but the question is "are you willing to face them?"

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


Whenever I read your article my friend, you always lift my spirit up. There is nothing we are facing, there is always light at the end of the tunnel

It is an honour. Thanks friend @biyimi

When reading this article, it reminded me of a Hindi movie (Indian) by name 12th failed. Too much inspirational and motivational movie. As told facing and overcoming challenges is one of the main factor of success. That definitely is a fruitful one.
This movie has english subtitles I believe. So if u wish and interested do watch this. Name of the movie - 12th failed

Thanks for recommending the movie to me. I have never heard of it, but I will go and look it up.
Thanks buddy

Sure and let me know if u enjoyed