Album Review - "EVERGREEN" by PVRIS

in #music10 months ago

I've been going through and rating every release by TrippyB3ats lately, and I've enjoyed the format so much that I've decided to start doing these for other releases as well. PVRIS is probably my all-time favorite artist, and their fourth album just dropped on July 14th. I've listened to it many times since then and I feel like I'm ready to rate it, so here goes.

Here is a track-by-track review of EVERGREEN by PVRIS:

    Probably the best opening track to a PVRIS album since Smoke. I love it and it really sets the tone for the album both lyrically and sound-wise.
  2. GOOD ENEMY - 9/10
    The lyrics in this one are so relatable. I think every artist is their own worst enemy and this track really puts that sentiment into a really strong song.
  3. GODDESS - 9.5/10
    This song is such a vibe, and it was fantastic seeing it live as well. It was probably the second strongest single and is one of the best tracks on the album.
  4. ANIMAL - 9/10
    The first single still holds up. Probably one of the most scathing reviews of working with a major label an artist has ever written. I'm glad she turned that bad experience into great art at least.
  5. HYPE ZOMBIES - 8/10
    Love it, but it's a bit too short. I wish it had more than one verse.
  6. TAKE MY NIRVANA - 10/10
    Love the sound here! Very catchy. My favorite on the non-single tracks on the album.
  7. SENTI-MENTAL - 8.5/10
    When I first heard it, it would've been like a 7, but it's really grown on me the more times I've listened. I've found the lyrics stuck in my head more than once this week.
    This song is such a mood. It's been out for a while, as one of the first singles, but it still is one of the top tracks on the album.
  9. HEADLIGHTS - 8/10
    Probably the weakest track on the album. Still great and moody. I saw someone compare it to their previous songs Nola 1 and Empty, but I don't think this one reaches the emotional height that either of those did.
  10. LOVE IS A... - 10/10
    Easily my favorite of the singles and I'm not sure whether this or Take My Nirvana is my favorite on the album, they're both so strong. I love the idea of a love song playing with the term "little death."
  11. EVERGREEN - 9/10
    The title track really wraps up the album well, and illustrates Lynn's headspace the best, I think. The chorus is so good and really rings true "no one gives a damn shit unless you're seventeen or dead."

Overall, I think this album is really solid. I would probably rank it as their second-best album, behind All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of Hell. I think the main reason I can't put this one at the top is that it just feels a bit short. It's 11 tracks long, but it only clocks in at 32 minutes (for comparison, White Noise was only 10 tracks long and clocked in at 40 minutes). Aside from that, I love the ever-evolving sound of this band. I think it was a great progression from their last release, Use Me.

Listen to EVERGREEN on all music streaming services now!

Originally posted on Publish0x

Score Card - Review (11).jpg