Pollinators - Show Us Your California

in #mycalifornia27 days ago

Hi friends,

This post is an entry into the weekly Show Us Your California contest hosted by @thesocalhive where we share an aspect of our California.

With spring and early summer comes - bees! These are VIPs around here - Very Important Pollinators - as they do their work to carry pollen from flower to flower and keep things vibrant. I captured one of these VIPs in action recently:



They stick pollen on their body and bring it back to their hive, but not before stopping at many other flowers and plants along the way.

The bees do good work and are mostly harmless - it has been many years since I have been stung, but I have been stung 3 times when I was younger.

Have you been stung by a bee?

Thanks for coming by and checking out a part of my California.



Bees are definitely important in keeping the balance in our world. I think I read an article that if they disappeared, it can have a bad cascading effect worldwide.

I heard that they are crucial to humanbeings' life.

I’ve never been stung by a bee
Once I see them, I run away from them

Hahaha! 😃

Bee's do their duty as Allah assign them by the time of their creation. Pollination is a great work and it looks very nice to see their process.

Nice shots! Bees mind their own business for the most part, and if you don't mess with them they don't mess with you. But I have had a few stings over the years, just one of those things. At a house I lived in years ago a some Africanized bees set up camp in a log in the front yard, and had to hire someone to remove them. They were swarming everywhere!

Yikes! That is scary!

Just like that, we see that they do a special job for us and their honey is very good for the health of all of us.


Bees are really very important and in fact in some part of the world, they are known to be very important

This gift you made is very nice, I love it

This is very amazing because the bee is always sitting on the flowers. Urvashi keeps collecting bees. Many years ago one stung me, I still don't remember whether it bit or not.

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More can be seen in my garden. The bee keeps doing its work. Then a flower is seen blooming on a plant. thank you @brian.rrr

Congratulations @brian.rrr, your post won 2nd prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!