A Libertarian is being born every minute because of the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul.

After several cases of millionaires lending boats, jeeps and helicopters to rescue survivors of the floods that devastated over 400 municipalities, leaving hundreds wounded, missing or dead, pledging to keep the jobs of all employees of facilities that have been destroyed and shipping planes filled with provisions, comparisons are being made between the rescue efforts done by private citizens(and companies) with the ones done by public institutions.

Last week while I was in the line awaiting for provisions, there were 2 helicopters always coming and going in a football field nearby that was adapted to be a landing place for missions. One of those belonged to the firefighters but the other belonged to a tech company from the city called Emply, that seemed to have lent it to the rescue efforts of the population of Sinimbu(a small town nearby that was completely destroyed last week).

The City also opened a line to coordinate rescue efforts with private citizens who happened to own boats or jeeps and several vehicle owners came forward as volunteers. It was something beautiful to see in the middle of a tragedy. Private individuals coming forward offering their work and/or donation of resources to the effort of rescue and rebuild. And that without mention the fact that one of the most influential businessmen of Brazil, Luciano Hang lent 2 of his helicopters to be used on rescue missions by the state. Elon Musk also told he will donate over a thousand Starlink terminals as our entire internet infrastructure is quite unstable due to all those bridges and highways collapsing.

Private entities like "Friends of the Valley" are also gathering resources among local businesses to rebuild the highways and bridges that have been destroyed.

More examples can be seen on @coyotelation's post on this link.

Because all of this the Libertarians suggested the adoption of a new flag to represent the rescue efforts from private citizens:

GNJ-qi_W8AEenv1.jpg(Don't tread on my rescue mission)

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É brabo, tchê! O véio da Havan foi mais rápido que a porcaria da Marinha do Brasil. Recém essa semana chegou aqui no porto de Rio Grande o NAM Atlântico, juntamente com algumas fragatas e 3 helicópteros. Fazem dias que me pergunto onde estão os veículos blindados anfíbios, que pra invadir favela e fazer pose foram usados, mas agora que está tudo alagado sumiram todos.

Wish you the best to be able go back to normal life safely!

Thank you!🙏

Eu não tenho dúvidas de que mais libertários surgirão depois do que está acontecendo com o Rio Grande do Sul.

É sempre bom ver relatos de pessoas que estão de fato presenciando e vivenciando tudo isso.

E cada vez mais a mídia tradicional está mostrando a sua "credibilidade" diante do que está acontecendo.

Gostei da imagem hahaha...

Tem outras imagens sendo criadas.

Ótimo saber disso hehehe...


@fernandosoder! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @coyotelation. (1/5)