Just another member of "Socialism and Freedom Party"(PSOL) thanking "Mother Earth" for "cleansing" the state where I live.

Her statement was regarding the over 400 destroyed towns/cities and hundreds of dead, wounded and missing people during the ongoing tragedy in southern Brazil.

I would like to see her going to a Porto Alegre shelter for survivors and saying this in front of those people who lost everything how they deserved it all. But without private security or police nearby protecting her.

Reminded me of a reporter that last year, during a severe storm also over the state where I live that left dozens of dead and hundreds of homeless celebrating because, according to him, most of those towns had old people who voted Bolsonaro. That other tragedy became famous for the current Brazilian First Lady Janja publishing an Instagram video dancing in India that she later deleted due to excessive criticism for being of bad taste.

In other news, Lula's government is prioritizing the task force to fight any news that might make the Federal Government look bad, as this is a matter more important that saving lives here.

GNTWp3aXQAA9xFy.jpgMother Earth is Cleansing the South stated assistant of a PSOL representative

GNTWp3aXQAA9xFy.jpgClimate Change is punishing Bolsonaro voters in the South

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