My friend's dog got neutered recently

in #neutered2 months ago




I'm not sure the pros and cons of neutering as I don't own a pet yet but I feel sorry for any male creature that gets their balls removed.

I personally wouldn't like to be neutered so don't think it's a lot of fun for dogs either.

Maybe it will extend his life or reduce the chance of some diseases or give him a better temperament. I must look into this further. For now he looks a bit sad but I'm sure he'll be back to himself soon.

I know that it reduces the chance of unwanted puppies being mistreated so that itself is a good thing but a part of a dog's manhood is gone forever.


I don’t see it as a good thing as it’s altering the natural flow of things. I bet the dog isn’t feeling like himself anymore. And might never do.

I don't know for sure whether it's good or bad to be honest