Bear Bites Woman on Butt While She Uses Outhouse

in #news3 years ago

I just saw this headline and had to click through to the article and share. A woman who was snowmobiling had a bear bite her in the derriere when she sat down on the toilet seat in the vacant outhouse. Apparently the bear was using it as a den and the bear didn't like getting peed on. Note to self, don't ever pee on a hibernating bear.

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As funny as this is, it's absolutely terrifying to think that you could be the victim of a bear attack while just trying to sit down and do your business. Just goes to show that truth is often stranger than fiction and that in spite of thousands of years of persistent human civilization and our mastering of nature, we're only one step away from it reaching out and killing us at any given time. Luckily this woman was okay and she didn't get seriously injured. It will be a great story she can tell to her grandchildren.