Other Niche Communities Curation Report #1620

in #niche25 days ago
Authored by @macchiata

OCD's support is expanding!

Hello everyone! This is the 1620th compilation post of OCD's latest curation efforts. It has been known that OCD has been supporting leading niche communities under its Community Incubation Program. However, there are still a lot of other niche communities not supported by OCD. This curation initiative will help in supporting those communities.

This newest curation effort aims to encourage authors to post in appropriate communities even if those communities are not under the incubation program. This will also encourage users to explore more into the different communities in Hive.

How this Works

OCD curators and community leaders will find posts from other niche communities and recommend them for an upvote. Unlike those communities in the incubation program where curation is focused, this curation initiative is spread out. This will help find undervalued posts from smaller communities that deserve support.

This will highlight both the author and the community where the post is located. This way, smaller niche communities can focus on growing their subscribers and increasing the engagements within their respective communities. A small boost goes a long way.

Speaking of boost, here are the curated posts for this batch:

Curated Posts

Author: @denissemata
Community: C/Family & Friends

Así estuvo nuestro día de las madres💐❤️🥰 [ESP-ENG]

Happy night friends of Family & Friends, first of all I want to wish a happy mother's day to all the moms who read me here. I really always say that we should make our mother feel special every day and above all, show them a lot of love. I am one of those people who, on any given day, give my mother a gift or simply tell her how much I love her. Or I put her in my WhatsApp statuses, there are people who only put her mom on Mother's Day, but my mom knows that my love for her is so great every day, not just today. But today we spent a wonderful day with other mothers in my family. I can tell you that this photo has become a favorite photo of my mom and me, I told her let's dress in red and she said yes. I know that my mom will not read this post but she knows that I love her so much and I want to give her the best life, today she is my spoiled child.

Curator: @lauramica

Author: @sunsethunter
Community: C/Music

Sound test Before and After changing the pickups on my Les Paul

Not just changing them on my Les Paul Custom, but also putting Les Paul Custom pickups on an LTD M-10. I just can't fit it all the the video title haha. I'm not sure what is cooler, having Seymour Duncan's (SH2n and SH4 JB) on my black Custom, or having Gold Custom's on the LTD! The Frankenstrat! Or the FrankenPaul as I've named it after some bros!

Well, this venture was a success! Both guitars work and sound cool! Some fine tuning required, but overall I am super happy! Note that the sounds I am using for the before and after are the exact same setting. I'll be posting loads of guitar solos and reviews from these two real soon :)

Curator: @eugelys

Author: @bethyjade
Community: C/Ladies of Hive

Ladies of Hive Community Contest #185 (ENG/SPA)

When I say that my mom is the best in the world I am not exaggerating, she has always been there for me and my sister, when we were little, when we did not understand many concepts, she always gave us the biggest piece of food or dessert and kept the smallest, every time we were sick she stayed with us to make sure we were well, every school event, every extracurricular recital, every school meeting, she always attended. The advice she gives is the best and even we are adults she continues to pamper us as she did when we were little girls, an exemplary woman in every sense of the word.

Curator: @anggreklestari

Author: @rosana6
Community: C/Foodies Bee Hive

Sautéed Beef Tenderloin ǀ Lomo Saltado

Hello, fans of culinary art! Today I want to show you a typical Peruvian dish that I once shared with some friends. It is a delicious Lomo Saltado (Sautéed Beef Tenderloin) with a few small variations. Stick around to see the ingredients and the preparation.

Curator: @macchiata

Author: @n4nd0
Community: C/Foodies Bee Hive

I Claimed Another King/Me Reivindiqué Con Otro Rey

In the previous review I told you that there were several restaurants near the area where we live. Just that time we noticed this restaurant specialized in seafood called "El Rey de la Albacora ”, which was the best decision to go out for lunch.

Curator: @anggreklestari

Author: @heroldius
Community: C/BEER

BeerSaturday 358 - Nord-Amérique (Boldwin)

Here is the map of Quebec where I can show you precisely the location of the brewery. Boldwin is located near Montreal in Boucherville where the store Collectif brassicole Ensemble is also located.

Curator: @macchiata

Author: @soldierofdreams
Community: C/Movies & TV Shows

Le siguió el juego a una acosadora y pasó lo peor [ESP-ENG]

It's a normal day in one of London's many bars. Donny Dunn is at the bar, as usual, serving customers with a drink to perhaps help them forget their grey days. Then, as he turns to the door, he meets Martha. She is plump, with matted hair and pronounced melancholy eyes. As Donny is a good man, he invites her to tea as a courtesy. She is pleased: her countenance suddenly changes. If Donny was kind enough to a woman like her, that means he sees something special in her. Because come on, who can notice Martha? At least she sees it as a splendid feat.

Curator: @macchiata

Author: @leannwithdoublen
Community: C/Hive Diy

How I Make Toblerone Paint Brush Clay Holder

Hello! How are you? I am back with DIY. I made this a long time ago and been used many times when I was still painting watercolor.

Every time I paint acrylic or watercolor the brush I use always rolls away or falls from the table which damages the paintbrush and it costs money to buy again the other thing that irritates me is staining my table which is a no-no for me especially since it is hard to clean.

Curator: @anggreklestari

Author: @derppunk
Community: C/Weekend Experiences

Weekend engagement 205: Music as an intimate refuge.

I have always been reserved when it comes to showing my skills, I greatly enjoy certain activities but I feel that sharing them with others could make them uncomfortable, I don't want to seem pretentious, so I have a hard time showing my talents, I guess it's part of being an introvert. It is something difficult to explain and understand, even for myself since it does not have much logic.

Curator: @mipiano

Author: @chocolatescorpi
Community: C/Hive Collectors

The Great Glassware collection, thanks to Mum!

These are Mum's authentic Vintage glasses, mostly coming out of the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's. which I have now managed to collect, until I can get them all sold.🙄

Some were gifts, such as the teak Sake drinks platter, but I guess that Mum "collected' the rest over the years.🤣

Curator: @mipiano

This concludes this batch's curation report. We would like to congratulate those who are featured and supported. Keep up the good work and continue to explore Hive Communities.

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

You can vote for @ocd-witness, with peakd or on Hive Witnesses.

@ocdb supports community curation!
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Thanks so much for the support. I really appreciate it.

thank you very much for your support

Muchas gracias @anggreklestari y a @ocd por el apoyo 👊

Thank so much @macchiata and @ocd 🥳🥳

You're welcome @soldierofdreams 😊

Thank you so much! 😊

Thanks so much @mipiano for the curation and to @ocd for being there too!

Really appreciate you support!

You are welcome :)