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RE: NISM - Litepaper (part 4)

in #nism6 months ago

Something I still don't know: How do people become (and/or get marked) friends and enemies?

Love JupaCoe, Darj33ling, et al.

Also: JR Ewing? That's a blast from the past. 😂

!PIZZA (because I'm out of PIMP calls for the day...)


you can search a person and mark them or when you come across them in the game :)


You must be killin' it out here!
@enginewitty just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @willendorfia.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District