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RE: My Naked Body as a Festering Wound

in #nudity10 months ago

So maybe our battle for comfortable nudity doesn't start with our larger social circle but with ourselves. Maybe it starts with going to a museum or failing that, a mirror. Full body length.

I think a lot has to do with how people feel about themselves and the deep insecurities that come from it. Some people are so insecure about feminity that they are uncomfortable seeing a woman move in a sexy way. Whether in dancing or any other movement which basically is an art and a demonstration of the abilities of the human body. Having full mobility with the body is important from a holistic point of view, in that locks in the body are linked to different emotional traumas based on the chakras of the body.

And yes, societal views add to it in many ways.


Very well said! Yes, dancing (or anything sensual, really) puts a lot of people extremely on edge. All the more reason to do it, and encourage others into it. Imagine staying still, and all caged up just because someone else doesn't approve of your healing.