in #ocd4 years ago (edited)

The big Lagos city Atlantic Hotel hall was crowded, the road leading to the venue was jammed with traffic, there was no parking space anymore in the hotel, it is usual and normal at a day like this. it is the annual event Celebration of an ICON which usually take around this time of the year. Men and women who have contributed positively to the people of Nigeria would be celebrated and given an award of SELFLESS SERVICE. After the award the guest were expected to share their experience with the youth as guide as as a motivation for people who are thirsty for success.
As usual, the program anchor is no other person that the popular comedian BASKET TEETH.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the honour bestowed on me to invite to the stage, a man of integrity, an individual with heart of mercy, a citizens who loves everyone as his own brother and sister, he had helped saved lives, contributed positively to the poor people health challenges to survive. This man i am calling on stage is no other person than the Retired Medical Director of Federal Medical Centre Lagos State. Dr. Pedro Williams." BASKET TEETH.

Lot of scream and cheers from every Conner of the stage as doctor Pedro and his wife walked to the stage to accept his Award. Dr Pedro is in his sixties, he retired as the medical Director few months to the annual events, he was a successful gynaecologist, he owns five private hospital in Nigeria that could be graded as a two star hospital. his influence is well know both in Africa and Nigeria.

"Thank you for coming sir." BASKET TEETH.

"Thank You very much MC, you guys got me by surprised, you only told me to honour your event, you never told me i would be getting an award." He replied.

"We are so sorry about that Dr. Pedro hum... on behalf of the progressive club of Nigeria aka moved by selfless impact, we present you this award of SELFLESS SERVICE." BASKET TEETH.

Once again as Doctor Pedro took the award, the whole hall was filled with noise from every angle, the man had contributed alot to lives, people were seen crying and some never stopped screaming, finally the crowd noise stop.

"Thank you very much. I really kudos to the progressive club of Nigeria for seeing my work as a selfless service, i only needed to do what I need to do. I must say I am greatly honoured." said by Pedro.

"Thank You very much Doctor Pedro, but as tradition has it, you must tell us what motivated you to do what you have done? And how you managed to get to where you? BASKET TEETH.

"your are asking for a long story Mr Handler." (He replied smiling as the whole crowd laughs.) Everything i am today is because of my lovely wife Christina Williams,. she has been a support and a strong pillar that holds my life together, we have been through bad and good times, painful memories and lovely ones, bitter times and sweet ones but what really motivated me started fifty years ago when i was just ten years old.



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