Have you ever Zentangled?

in #onchainart3 years ago (edited)

What is that you ask? It's just as it sounds; zen drawing. Tangling patterns in repetitive layers in a meditative state until a beautiful "zentangle" appears on your paper fifteen minutes to an hour later, or more if you wanna go big!

Zentangle or tangling, is drawing patterns in repeat without thinking much about it focusing more on letting go and letting the pencil guide your hand while your brain relaxes and stops worrying or fretting about daily issues etc. You are just tangling, calmly. I have found in times of high stress this has been my best way to stop thinking so much, to stop stressing out and just be for a little while. My hand hits the paper and its like BOOM! 3 hours have gone by without me realizing it and I'm calm, happy and I have a wonderful little drawing in front of me.


I started small with little squares as most zentangle sites suggest, but have since grown to much larger pieces of papers to go longer without needing to pull away to get a new piece of paper and breaking the spell of focus.

It's quite therapeutic and a great way to break through an artblock if you're struggling. If you don't think you can draw, that's ok...this could still be your thing! There are multiple sites that offer step by step pattern options to use from simple to intricate so anyone can join in the fun. I have a little folder on my computer where I save patterns I like so I can remind myself easily of options before I start a tangle. Once you learn some too, its easy to remember them. Zentangle isn't about skill, its about using the act of drawing to help let your mind relax and let go.


here's an example of what a step by step pattern could look like with variations:
Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 4.39.03 PM.png

Focusing on something tangible in front of you, for some of us, makes it much easier to reach a state of peace through meditation. One of the big misconceptions of meditation I feel is that you can only meditate if you sit quietly with your legs crossed in front of you, blanking your mind and focusing on breath for long periods of time without moving, speaking or thinking. This is not true. Yes it can work that way, but for some meditation can also be playing an instrument, painting or dancing and more ...or as this post suggests: tangling. As long as you can reach a state of peace within, with your body relaxed and your mind softly focused; that is meditation.

If you're interested to try it, I've added some website links below to get you started. Its a lot of fun, besides relaxing, and great when you show your friends your cool drawings and blow them away at your new skills ;)

Have fun Zentangling, friends! Remember, "One stroke at a time!"

Explains more about Zentangle. The official site of tangling:

This site had hundreds of patterns submitted by other folks doodling away:


You’ve inspired me to do it again!

I have done it yes but yours look amazing!

thank you :) they're so fun to do!