Interesting facts about Squirrels

in #palnet27 days ago (edited)

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day that brought some interesting experiences into your life! Today I would like to go into a little bit about nature and hope you can expand your knowledge.

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Recently, I had a good opportunity to photograph this squirrel which was just busy putting his head into a bird house in which sunflower seeds are stored to feed itself and it interesting to see how it holds on to the tree with his feet and stretches his head down. If you see a squirrel, this can be considered a good sign from a symbolic point of view and this animal is also considered as an intermediary between two worlds and as a way to connect with the source and because of the characteristics it is also associated with skill and speed. Also in mythology it is considered a bearer of messages from other worlds and in Norse mythology you will find a squirrel with the name Ratatoskr who lives in the world tree Yggdrasil and has the task of playing the messenger and especially often it helps to transmit from the dragon Nidhogg who lived in the roots of the tree. Typical characteristics are the bushy tail as well as the low size or weight and they prefer to live in forests or areas where there are many tall trees and they are true masters in climbing and can reach the top of the tree in an extremely short time and are extremely adaptable and have learned to jump from tree to tree with ease. In nature, it mainly feeds on nuts, seeds or fruits and when it comes to the storage of food, squirrels have an interesting strategy and look for different places where they hide their food for later times and notice exactly the places and to this day it is not quite clear how the sense of orientation works exactly with these animals. The cognitive performance of squirrels is definitely extremely noteworthy and depending on the type of food, it is sorted beforehand and especially important is the hidden food for cool times such as winter and they often hide thousands of nuts and who should encounter a nut in the ground when repotting or inserting a plant, should not be surprised. It can also be helpful to support squirrels and here external food sources like bird feeding houses are very suitable and there are also special places for squirrels and especially you can can help sick animals which has it more difficult to search food in nature and here it is important to feed them without salty food and nuts are best suited and also almonds or peanuts should not be fed!

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Thank you for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens