The weather becomes pleasant during the rains.

in #photography8 months ago


Whenever I get time. So I set out on my journey. I am going to see the fields in the rain. Then I take an umbrella from my house. I have noticed that the weather is changing. It starts raining with strong wind. But I can take my umbrella. Then I see herons flying in the rain. He has started flying with the strong wind of rain. As you have seen I have taken a picture. Then I move ahead. I have seen that farmers are working. He is working in the rain. He is not waiting for the rain to stop. Then I have reached the farm. Brother is strengthening the sugarcane crop. He doesn't wait for the rain to stop. That's why I have asked if there is any work for me. I do that. That's why I'm coming home. There is a lot of water on the road. There is mud on the road leading to the fields. So I try to go the other way. Because here I may be afraid of falling.

Photos captured by@ahlawat
Camera Devicenothing Rear Camera 12MP
CategoryNature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
EditedCaptured one
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