Flowers in Greek Mythology

in #photography26 days ago

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day that was full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to discuss Greek mythology and hope you can expand your knowledge.

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Here you can see various pictures of flowers that are associated with the Greek mythology such as Iris which has been named after the goddess of the rainbow or the peony which is associated with the god of healing Paieon who is also known as the son of Asclepius. Many plants are already known from antiquity were they were used for various purposes as well as for their healing properties and some plants that you know today were only later named in honor of figures from mythology and there are numerous legends in which plants originated from drops of blood or tears of divine beings and often you read that some nymphs are said to have turned into plants in order to be able to camouflage themselves better and the best-known traditions from ancient Greece probably can be traced back to the poet Ovid. Plants were also considered an indicator of change and so different seasons were associated with growth and so spring should begin and the plants bloom again when the daughter of Demeter, Persephone has left the underworld of Hades and when she is there again, the cool seasons begin. In ancient Greece, plants were often used for ritual purposes to celebrate their cult of the gods and here plants were often worn as jewelry or placed at temple complexes and it was normal that plants were important for decoration at festivities and also at competitions the winners were often honored with a wreath of plants. One had the assumption that some plants had magical properties and so it was, for example, the goddesses Hecate who could perform some miracles with different plants and often flowers were associated with goddesses of fertility and there are numerous other figures from Greek mythology that were associated with flowers such as the goddess of spring Cloris, Dionysus or the god of the wind Zephyr. Often the Dryads which are known as nymphs who inhabit the forests were seen as protectors of nature or plants and it can be said that flowers played an important meaning in ancient Greece.

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Thank you for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about mythology! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens
