Production of Wajang Golek Puppets

in #photography27 days ago

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you had a day that was full of positive experiences! Today I would like to talk a little about art and hope you can expand your knowledge.


Wajang Golek is a traditional puppet theatre from Indonesia that has shaped culture for centuries and this spectacle is extremely expressive and I would like to explain how these puppets are made in more detail in this article. The Wajang cult is particularly popular in West Java and usually the production process as well as the type of acting is passed on within the family from generation to generation and often it is the case that more people work on a puppet and everyone is responsible for their own category and as you can see from the authenticity of these puppets, it is not an easy process to make them. These three-dimensional figures are often supposed to represent gods or other figures from mythology and traditionally wood is used for production because it is easy to work with and the focus of the puppets is the head which is magnificently designed and here the artists attach great importance to carving facial features which should bring out the emotions well and depending on which figure from mythology is to be represented, it is important to illuminate the rank better and here striking and magnificent properties are incorporated. The puppets are played from below with rods and therefore it is particularly important to make sure that the actors can reach and control the dolls well and after carving, the head is painted and here different colors were used and and to make the figures look even more alive, they are decorated at the end with different details and then dressed with textiles and the focus of these puppets is the head.





Thank you for the visit and I hope you could learn something new about culture! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens


Some look angry others quite charming, very much the good vs evil depiction comes out in the puppeteers dolls.

That's true :) It's definitely an interesting thing of Wajang Golek to attach so much importance to the expression.

Lovely old traditions still being found.

This is great and interesting arts.

The Wajang cult is really fascinating.