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RE: Wildflower Season Has Arrived/La temporada de flores silvestres ha llegado

in #photographylast year

I like everything about this post.

I have decided to take care of myself and put myself first. That is alien to me, but I am adjusting to the idea.

A lot of us feel this way this days. But your positive and active approach, doing exercises to improved your life it's remarkable. You're remarkable. With such a recent lost and that job.. I'm blown away. I'm aware that people like you guys, taking care of dying people must exist is like, somebody has to do it right? But God I'm not that strong or put together. I'm really enjoying this blog. I'm new about blogging and I have no idea that could be such a warm concept.


Thank you very much. I tend to be open about who I am and my life experience. Some users struggle with what they write about. I find it natural to just be myself. When working as a counselor I found being open with about myself helped my clients open up.