The WAR is OVER!

in #plandemic2 years ago


It’s time to announce...the WAR is over!!!!

What are we at war with?

Viruses, fungi and bacteria are a natural part of life. They are a part of the Natural cycle of Erosion and Renewal.

We witness this process when we step out into Gaia’s garden. We know death will bring life and life will bring’s nothing to fear.

The agenda to go to war ‘against life’(allopathic, symptom-suppressing medicine) is a trillion dollar industry.

Think about it!

We’ve tricked ourselves into going to war against the “effects” of disease, which keeps us dependent on the industry!


When you read about “outbreaks” ask yourself...who is testing for the virus? Who stands to capitalize on it? How accurate are the tests? How many people are dying from suppression of symptoms (via drugs)!

How many people test positive, but show no symptoms at all?

If there are people testing positive without showing symptoms (which there are according to some resources), it makes sense to me that the cause of symptoms is something else! 🤦🏽‍♀️

I’ve worked in long-term care facilities for 20 years...and I’ve seen, first-hand, that lots of people have already been dying from “respiratory infections”...for years!

Most of them were…
2)on multiple drugs (suppressing symptoms) with potentially deadly side effects
3)taught to fear “bugs”
4)consuming toxic/processed food

Now that we have a new label and a “test”...and an agenda...suddenly we are paying attention!

And this is potentially a good thing!

Imagine how many drugs are being pumped into patients now, with this new ‘virus scare’?


Of course the deaths are climbing! But what is actually causing the deaths...we will never know, because we are being blinded by the media that is labeling everything ”COVID-19”!

Look to history to remind us what happens when we slap labels on things or people! It is a recipe for war!

Remember when the pharmaceutical industry blamed heart disease on cholesterol? And they made billions on our fear of it! Now we see that we actually need cholesterol! High cholesterol was only the symptom of inflammation! This is just one of many examples! “Cancer” is another one (an effect)!

Let’s not keep shooting the messenger (in this case, the virus) in this war!

It’s our responsibility to learn about what actually causes disease in order to heal on a root level.

In my experience, it’s not the’s toxicity, fear and radiation...all leading to inflammation and cell death which requires the little “janitors” (the microbes) to clean up the debris and excess.


On a larger scale...what we are seeing is Nature ridding us of anything out of alignment with her! This is a massive upgrade. Can we allow her to purge anything in excess of what is needed for survival?

Viruses, bacteria, fungi are doing the cleaning! This might get ugly, just like any spring cleaning first!

If we work with her process of EROSION, and stop shoveling and injecting toxicity into ourselves...we can get back to RENEWAL... and come back stronger!


Photo credit goes to Aether Stars

I’ve seen many examples of silver lining to this huge mess! Chaos is necessary for an awakening to occur! We are waking up to how important health is. We are waking up to how important community and family is. We are remembering our interconnectedness and how healing love is! We are seeing how our perceptions create our reality! We are questioning!

We have a choice!

We can choose to run with the fear...ultimately deciding our own fate. Because ultimately what we focus on becomes our reality!

Or we can empower ourselves and take matters into our own hands. Take steps towards living in harmony with Nature!

Stop outsourcing our responsibilities (our health, our children, our elders, our food, our entertainment, our joy)!

We have a love-hate co-dependent relationship with the “powers that be,” because we are fooled into thinking we need them! It’s not their fault, we allowed this!

And just as we allowed it, we can also evolve beyond it!

I’m ready to evolve! I’m not afraid! This is an opportunity to co-create and say “thank you, but no more! We got this!”

I’m ready to evolve beyond fearing life and fighting/controlling supporting and co-creating with her!

I’m ready to declare...this WAR is over!!!

Remember “Victory Gardens”?


If you’ve been thinking about growing a garden...start now! Even if it’s a few pots of herbs or grow boxes or a compost bin in your garage.

Find or start a community garden...tear up your lawn and plant an edible landscape.

Learn to live on less money (by doing things yourself) and in turn you can work less and have more time to take care of yourself and family.

We are writing this story! We are the architects!

Loving all of of freedom!
