in #pob2 years ago (edited)

It's all a bit new to me but when I'm out and about, people in shops keep asking me to wear a mask. (Symbolic submission to the satanic new world order)


"I have an exemption" I reply. They look surprised but generally push it no further. If they do push it further they find I am not about to back down on that issue.

And if I have always held firm on the muzzles, injection papers literally are WW3. My line was at muzzles, so submitting to death jabs is so far past my line, things will get as full on as they need to. This is not business as usual, business is all over, this is war, and if any cunt is not on my side, so be it.


Same with Hive. Accepting down voting to force conformity to a narrative is well past my line.


I could have continued being a big investor and Hive supporter. Or I could just end up having a bit of a fight with some fuckers in the inner circle of Hive who have pissed me off. I'd rather not, but I just might if pushed.

Now I'm using a burner account @pube to do my comments because my comments as @frot are being auto downvoted.


I've pulled around 1/4 million HP out of Hive in the past three months because I'm fucking sick of the downvoting.

My post rewards are turned off so my posts can't be downvoted. That means I can say whatever the fuck I want without worrying that it will be downvoted. Everything I post is downvoted anyway.

And I'm going to have one last crack at using this blockchain, using Verify Your Brain. (VYB)
I really hope it works. It has no downvoting. Any platform with downvoting is ultimately fucked in my opinion.

If VYB doesn't pan out I'll be moving my attention more to other platforms. We live in fucked up times, and just at the moment I really needed an uncensored platform, the Hive cabal started cranking up the censorship.

My country is FUCKED and I am mad as hell about it. If Hive is not the platform I need, I will just have to fuck right off. But I've been here 5 1/2 years so I'll give it one last go with VYB.



around the world there is a call for hell to pay for these subverted morons who believe in the status quo and the false idiom of security. They will be punished severely for their ignorance, if not in life but the hollow grave they lay in at the end of their empty and frail life of obedience and servitude to their masters.

Here's something to lighten the mood ...


UK hasn't yet gone as fascistically batshit crazy as the ANZAC world but they wanna, oh how they wanna! On the 'mask' issue, I simply say 'I am exempt' and folk either nod and accept or else grunt grudgingly. I've never yet had a customer mention masks to me. My exemption is self-issued - my entitlement upon doing my own 'risk assessment' as a sovereign being!

I acknowledge how shit it is to be ostracised and targeted with brutal propaganda - both on and off chain :/. The VYB looks good and I also came across this which might interest you if you haven't already seen mention of it:

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

@pube - I am laughing out loud. You are fucking hysterical. I love reading your stuff. I literally do not write about anything worthwhile on here anymore because I would like the CIA to do a little more work than me just handing them what's going on on my page. So I just write about ART but not about what is going on around here - that' is none of their fucking business.