in #pob3 years ago (edited)

Things have been a little strange for me on Hive lately - but then life has been a little strange so I guess I need to get used to being in the middle of a shitstorm.


I'd like to do a long post discussing, amongst other things, censorship and downvoting - but I'm flat out at the moment, so this is just a quick thank you to everyone who has been discussing these things, and in many cases watching my back.

I'm not going to name anyone because it might put you in line for a bunch of downvoting, and I'm also avoiding doing any comments for now - but thanks guys, your support is much appreciated.

It has got to the point where we are all under attack, (even those who don't yet realise it) and we need to use whatever tactics and tools we have available. The Hive blockchain is potentially one of those tools, and I really don't want to see it become yet another censored globalist controlled platform. There are a lot of great minds still here. They are declining by the day (in numbers not IQ), and time is running out, but I haven't given up on Hive yet.

Here in NZ one of the most outspoken critics of the globalist/communist "government" that is destroying our nation, is journalist and blogger Vinnie Eastwood. He was placed under house arrest and banned from all use of the internet three months ago.


And the thing that made him such a threat? - He has a sense of humour. They hate that!




PS - To anwer a few personal messages I've been getting about the personal attacks being leveled at me - here are some of my responses:

Yes I do have multiple accounts on Hive - but most of the ones being named are nothing to do with me - to tell the truth I'm quite surprised how innaccurate this list is.


Well he got @grot right - hell that must have been hard to pick...LOL - @ripe and @shralve are me as well - I did a Hive post naming most of my alt accounts for fuck's sake!

He really needs to forget about me and investigate this account - it is clearly a major scam - LOL - cool name though, from a Kiwi perspective...



I have no idea if that is a death threat or not, but it's a bit creepy. And no, I don't have a dog.


Yes I have powered down all my accounts and pulled almost all my Hive from the platform - that is perfectly legit and not only have I not tried to hide the fact, I've been saying so in posts and comments for months. The main reason is the relentless down voting I've been getting - and not just on @frot

And yes, I do have an account on Blurt, and I have bought 10k of Blurt tokens (currently worth about $300) just to check things out - I have not had time to do much on Blurt and am keeping my options open if I am driven off this Platform. I am on several other platforms, but would like to keep posting on Hive if possible.



I was reading the comments on azircons post last night where he mentions doing some “private investigations” on you. The guy never really appeared on my radar until all this kicked off but after following this situation I have to say that he seems to be a quite bizarre person. You don’t deserve this shit mate and I hope you stay active on hive.

I'm back! - Keep tagging your posts with #pob or #proofofbrain - my upvotes are not worth much in POB at the moment but give it a week or so and I will be able to dole out some big upvotes in VYB (Verify Your Brain) tokens!


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The mask comes from a empty spirit ghost who harassed a non consenting 10 years old girl , while her parents are turned in to pigs , in a bath(sex)house ruled by evil spirits .
Sounds like a paedophile upvoting spirit to me ,.. i wonder if his partner or kids know this about this two faced shit face mask wearing obsession with pokemon's and children .

It threatened me to ,... but fuck it , i aint scared by a empty childlike anime loving empty hollow person at all ...

It only made me negatively advertise Hive on other platforms , telling everyone why to avoid this realm at all cost .
May that empty spirit vanish with the hive-mind it created , i do not care for a place where fuckshits like that think they are rulers .

Take your dpos and stick it where the sun doesn't shine fools .

I as a consumer have the great power ,... not to consume .

Goodby Hive,.. Hello Blurt .

I'm back! - Keep tagging your posts with #pob or #proofofbrain - my upvotes are not worth much in POB at the moment but give it a week or so and I will be able to dole out some big upvotes in VYB (Verify Your Brain) tokens!


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Why are men so damn stubborn? 🤣
I will say this- I went to buy a turkey yesterday and it was forty fucking dollars! Luckily my local grocer put on a sale and I ended up getting one for about the same as last year. But damn, we are definitely in an inflationary period ;)

I'm back! - Keep tagging your posts with #pob or #proofofbrain - my upvotes are not worth much in POB at the moment but give it a week or so and I will be able to dole out some big upvotes in VYB (Verify Your Brain) tokens!


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there is hope for me yet...

representation on the sign is pretty accurate too. anyone watching where that chick is walking her dog? /s, for the last question only.

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Awesome artwork. I see you have declined payment. I have many thousands of POB. How do I send you some ?

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