in #pob3 years ago

Yesterday a friend told me she was half way through reading Robert F. Kennedy Jnr's new book "The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health."



This is currently the top selling book in America, but what a lot of people probably don't realise is that it's also being shared around online like a VIRUS! If you would like to check it out, just go to a torrent site such as PirateBay and download it in either ebook or audio format.

It is being so widely seeded that if you click on "download torrent" you will have a copy on your hot sweaty hard drive within seconds.



So far I have only read the intro and first chapter, and had a quick skim through.

I know what these psychos are up to but what surprises me about this book is the level of evil exposed and the evidence to back it up.


And the fact that this information is now going viral. For the first time in history, globalist evil is being exposed as it is happening, rather than decades later.

Right now there are more than 1/4 of a million copies of this book being passed around and read. What effect will this have on the narrative?



Let me know if it mentions the underground lizards. Until then, not much will change unfortunately ...

Fauci is only a pawn in the grand scheme of things.

Lots of people waking up, but it's probably too late to avoid what's coming. Austria is talking about putting you in prison if you refuse the kill shot and Oz is essentially doing that, just with a fluffier name.
Still, gonna need as many red pilled as we can get for the real shitstorm on the horizon.

How could such "misinformation" be released to the public.







I grabbed a copy of this book last week and it is jaw-dropping in its breadth and scope.I'm probably 95% finished atm, and I can say that it is a monumental feat of research to put this together so cohesively. Many suspect the corruption in institutions runs deep, but this book exposes the gigantic nefarious operation and the total corruption within the system. It is a MUST read for understanding our present state of affairs. Number 1 (or 2) on Amazon booklist for over 2 weeks, people are hungry for answers, this book fills in the gaps.

Hey @v4vapid, I've just ran into you again and I remember you from way back in 2017 on steemit when you hosted one contest about conspiracy theories, hahah nice to see you're still about your conspiracy theories and stuff, 2020 and all the corona things that have been happening must have been very big for you, a lot of stuff to talk about. When I started hearing about all the conspiracies last year I thought about the guy that hosted that contest in 2017 when conspiracy theories were nothing relatively😅

I stopped being active on this blockchain and just returned in April this year, probably why we haven't crossed paths again.

Read it on and pass it to a friend, wait "billonaries being evil" o commont is like a everyday shet for them, you dont make billons on a few years willout being evil somehow...