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RE: Is Podping on Hive a new Internet Protocol?

in #podping2 years ago (edited)

@brianoflondon you have created something extraordinary which will change the face of the internet.

A universal central point for short messages provided over a decentralised, permissionless and self sustaining blockchain is revolutionary.

All networked systems (other than blockchain) need a central point for computers and people to look for where stuff is stored. It is a fundamental feature of everything we know on the internet today. Whoever controls that central point controls the system (even if everything else is decentralised).

So many attempts at decentralisation and bringing freedom to the world have failed or risk failure because of attacks upon (eg Napster) or capture of (Google) that central point.

In strategic terms these centralised points are chokepoints, just like the many maritime strait chokepoints (eg Malaca, Gibralta etc) which control world shipping and thus trade.

Your invention makes available to the whole internet the unique and paradigm shifting elimination of the need for a trusted third party (which is blockchain's raison detre) without them having to run a blockchain themselves.

By using HIVE, the only fully decentralised blockchain other than Bitcoin, the whole internet can benefit from decentralised trust with just a small investment in HIVE.

With centralised chokepoints on information and communication eliminated and sound global decentralised digital money (BTC) we can finally have the genuinely free online world of which John Perry Barlow and other internet pioneers dreamed.


There is a huge advantage to Hive having nailed the distributed text and data platform, and scaled it and achieved a true measure of decentralised ownership before anyone else.

Having listened to a few of the other presentations at the Web 3.0 Conference last week, I was somewhat surprised by the number of projects and presentations which then said "we'll put it on the blockchain" as if THE BLOCKCHAIN is a thing out there just waiting for them. Bizzare.

We'll see if Podping leads to others figuring out how amazing Hive is. I'm not sure how much easier we can make it!

We'll see if Podping leads to others figuring out how amazing Hive is. I'm not sure how much easier we can make it!

This could be the "AWS moment".

For most, they do not care where the information comes from or is stored, just that it is there. Few care that Netflix is on AWS.

With this, if developers embrace it and start building use cases for their own industries, we could see enormous attention paid to Hive at that level. It will still not make it a household name but the sending of data without any centralized entity is a breakthrough.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That’s an exciting thought. An AWS moment LOL
I use to think being discovered by a celebrity would help Hive immensely, but now Ithink being discovered for its utility by the masses and having word of HivespreD mouth to mouth would’ve more permanent

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Development is what is going to keep pushing Hive forward. It is not a matter of hype.

The challenge with celebs is they tend to not provide much staying power. It ends up just being hype which ends up collapsing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Agreed. Development will push Hive into household status due to it’s utility. I think this is one of Khal’s mantras too

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a process, taking apart things brick-by-brick.

That is what will change the digital realm. As each users adopts something on a blockchain like Hive, it is another step in a new direction.

Having a protocol could allow dozens to pick this up over the next year and build their own messaging system.

The fields that it could apply to are enormous.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta