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RE: Goodbye Hive

in #quit4 years ago

Here we go. Flag me harder, daddy. I wanna make 69. Giggity.

I would have zero issue w you if you were not trying to apply a hypocritical standard to others. You know this. I know this.

And save you energy on the insults. Not like I have an ego that is susceptible to it.

Tell ya what. I will do an analysis on your comment spam rewards. You burn it and then I will gladly shut my face.

I mean I reckon you turned another leaf and, if that be the case, props and I will eat my humble pie. But if you wanna go strong arm stake flex, we can play some games.

I'd prefer peace but am ready for war. Yeah I get that you think I am a douche bag but tell me I'm wrong about your comment spam. You know what you did so maybe come to terms that I am one of the few that will actually call you on it. Tbh if I am doing some sketchy shit. I'm grateful for peeps that will call me on it so I can a better person.

I can be your asset but likewise can be a helluva thorn in that side if you so choose.


I never denied spamming, that doesn't mean I don't have the right to destroy their spam service like I did.

Bring it on, little bitch. You have no stake, you have little following, you're nobody but some EX Navy boy.