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RE: Goodbye Hive

in #quit4 years ago

Not sure where you see this, but I see them as image.png +46 REP

and certainly not censored. at least not on pharesim node


They got bullies into closing their site and got the downvotes taken out.

We're going to suspend the D.BUZZ site for now. We are reviewing the feedback from the community and see many of their concerns. We will review the feedback and make changes to the platform and service to be more in line with the community's wishes. I will be posting later today with more details.

The main reason why we went offline is that @nathansenn discovered that our Buzz's were showing up in people's feeds (thank you @unconvinced). That wasn't intentional, and the site needs to be re-worked now.

Having said that, we are re-grouping and @nathansenn has actually indicated that he'll get more involved . . @nathansenn is a blockchain developer and is interested in making the internet + world, more decentralized.

Our rep was downvoted to negative but @likwid upvoted our posts, essentially bringing us back.

There might have also been some negotiations with @xxxxxxxxxx by other major stakeholders, I'm not sure . . but @nathansenn and @dbuzz both of their rep scores back.