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RE: Goodbye Hive

in #quit4 years ago

As far as I can see @dbuzz is regrouping rather than closing and to be fair they needed to improve on the concept. The original idea is good, for a micro blogging site that links to twitter but what they delivered was a bunch of spam onto peoples feeds.

Yes, that was due to a misconception on our part, particularly me.

I told @nathansenn that we could use posts right around the time Communities launched (we started in December 2019) after reading a popular article that it would make things easier for Dapps like @appics and authors to avoid downvotes due to Posts being separated from people's Blog.

That mistake and misunderstanding is what caused this issue. We never intended to have our Posts show up in the main feed but due to the time I was spending with our in person meetups and our Dev Team meetups, I was spending much less time on Steemit after Communities launched and didn't test it that much.

I got caught the same way from signing up and had a load of spam feed onto my blog but it would be great to have an interface or community where our hive posts auto posted onto twitter which is more what I was expecting. That and our tweets feeding into their app rather than my feed.

Yes, we are planning something like this for our next launch. Our Devs took a break today but after resting a bit and clarifying our next moves, we'll start re-building D.Buzz.


Great to hear it. I was having the conversation with another user as to why we need to see more development of apps like this but just in a different format perhaps.

In my opinion anything that doesn't harm the blockchain should be allowed. Plagiarism is theft and harms the eco-system as does reward farming.

I have seen large stake holders over the years drive thousands of active users from the old chain due to their definition of what should be allowed. If it is not harming the eco-system is shouldn't matter if you like it or not. Others will. Get over it.

We need users and a micro blogging app like this has the chance to target a whole new demographic of users. Personally I don't like it in its current form and think that it needs a separate interface for people to blog on. I don't want it appearing on my blogging feed, that is for my proper posts. I won't go as far as saying quality. 😅

I would like to see one that posts from hive to twitter and draws people back into the eco-system rather than the other way but that is where constructive discussion comes in. Not threats and flags. A censorship resistant version of twitter.
We need more apps. We needs more users. People bring value and engagement brings value. I have great fun on twitter since starting last year and spent a lot of time there now engaging with other crypto groups. If we could bring them onto hive for the same reason it would be brilliant but using stake to shut down potential development is a terrible idea.

Don't be discouraged if your plan hasn't worked out the way it was intended as you do have a great idea for moving forward as well as "A lot" of user feedback to draw from. Whether you wanted it or not....
I would still love to see you create the app but hopefully from a different perspective. More about the micro blogging and interaction rather than copying from twitter to hive. Or in a way that doesn't show on our feeds?

Whether you wanted it or not....
I would still love to see you create the app but hopefully from a different perspective. More about the micro blogging and interaction rather than copying from twitter to hive. Or in a way that doesn't show on our feeds?

Yes, all the feedback helped us . . we'll be updating the community soon.

I myself do not like the micro-blog environment, however I do understand that others do enjoy them just like they enjoy meme's and appics post and participating in actifit or dlike.

People can choose what they want to use, I myself do not use the above, vote or participate in them, that does not mean they are not needed or that I do not want them on Hive.

People have different taste, by providing a micro-blog system it may bring in more users, those user may stay and branch out into other aspects of Hive, just as several of the splinterlands and appics and other type users did.

So it is good to see that you are going to re-vamp and continue with your project. If people stop building because of what they feel are a few bullies, if people are going to leave because of what they perceive as a few deep pocket bullies, then Hive will wither and die on the vine. So thanks for the stick with it attitude.
