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RE: Goodbye Hive

in #quit4 years ago (edited)

I see @dhimmel does make a valid use case in tweet archival. Something absolutely vital in the current age of censorship but maybe decline rewards and a few tweaks to the front ends could keep the clutter out of people's feeds.

It's entirely unnecessary for an archive of Tweets to be made up of posts in the first place.

I can totally understand if they have a bad taste in their mouth though and leave. The way it was handled was pisspoor to say the least.

Bernie is not actually that unreasonable as opposed to having a disagreeable personality (in the technical Big Five sense). He does not mince words so you always know where you stand with him. But graceful he is not, to say the least.


Sure. Could be stored as transfer memos for all I care but think it could be argued that perhaps the user wants to generate discussion around the subject of a tweet.

Is there better ways to do this in terms of quality? Sure.

But in terms of efficiency to generate potential engagement. There may be discussion to be had there.

In any case, Bernie isn't really the best candidate to broach said discussion. He did a lot of spamming back in the day but ppl tend to look the other way when he did it. Might makes right I suppose.

Sure. Could be stored as transfer memos for all I care but think it could be argued that perhaps the user wants to generate discussion around the subject of a tweet.

No, not transfer memos. JSON transactions like Splinterlands cards. Just text, not posts.

Oh duh. Idk custom_json slipped my mind. While at the same time you want users to be incentivized to engage, so if the devs wanna stake up to allocate a portion of the reward pool for that would make sense.

But yeah not just mindlessly posting whatever boring or spammy tweet out there. Maybe it can work like initial tweet share is a json and the moment a user engages that tweet it becomes a post that can thus be discussed.

I think that could work. Just spitballin here

Nothing beats brainstorming.

I was thinking of a simple immutable back up service.

But creating a fluid two-way communication channel between Twitter (back end) and Hive is tricky if you want anyone using any Hive front end or Twitter to have an equal opportunity to engage. If it has to be more or less a one-way street, then I'd prefer to see a funnel from Twitter to Hive than vice versa.