Writing A Resume

in #resume2 years ago

My opinion is that a short explanation with some keywords works better, and if the project has public information somewhere, such as an open source repository - link that so they can go there for a deeper dive 🙂

some more in depth thoughts and considerations I went through while shaping my own resume

that's also why I have a little brief intro on my resume, and then link to my socials, such as LinkedIn, GitHub, and personal website

I also opted for a simple/minimal design to make it more friendly for printing to paper, because I know a lot of people still like to print these on paper 😛 (plan was to have multiple designs later on and that my generator just generated the design that was appropriate for the situation)

also I included a portrait (not the most formal one, since I don't really have any formal photos of myself), and some prefer to include a photo, others don't - some like to argue that it's bad because them seeing your face and then deciding "nah, that person doesn't look like X, skip!", is totally a thing - especially when it comes to racial stuff I guess (sadly)... for me personally I decided that it adds something to the impression of who I am (and that photo in there was my actual self too, every other personal detail was stripped from that example PDF 😂)

Eventually I will probably just omit parts of my education, because they become irrelevant... though right now I don't have enough "meat" to make it such a beneficial thing to omit - depending on what jobs I apply for... which is another part of my CV generator anyway 😛 have the ability to omit/include certain info depending on the situation

but the entire idea of my resume was to keep it simple, but yet provide a way for them to do a deeper dive if they want to... yet if they didn't want to, they will have the most important information available to them, with whatever impression on how much about these skills I actually have enough experience with (usually that's where initial job interviews come in, to filter out people who prove to have less experience than what's required, or even people who blatantly lie on their resume)