I'll try again! Couch to 5k

in #running8 months ago

Well, those daily posts over the summer holidays seem a long time ago now! Things have been busy both at work and home and, well I've just managed time badly. Fingers crossed I'll get on top of my time management one day!

The past month hasn't been a particularly active one. I ate something that didn't agree with me (I think a sweetener), that triggered a pretty naff period of gout. It impacted both feet, thankfully, not quite at the same time!

I woke up feeling inspired this morning as I've been about 5 days without any discomfort. It was early (I woke at 5am), so I thought I'd get up and go for a little run before the wife took the dog for a walk. Completely unplanned, I dug out my running gear which hasn't seen daylight for a year or more, did some stretches and headed to the local park. I decided on the park as it's flat - I live on top of a hill. I thought I'd give myself a slim chance of not killing myself on the first time out.


The timing isn't quite accurate as I used the C25K app on my Fitbit. The activity app decided it would take over half way through which confused matters a little. On the up side, it at one point thought I was travelling fast enough for it to be identified as a run! A Sunday miracle.

I'm sure my little legs will be complaining in the morning but it's made me feel pretty good so far today.


Impressive! It's great when you're inspired like that.

It doesn't happen often! Pleased it happened today though. 🙂

Awesome, good luck!
You'll soon get into it.

Good to hear you are running again. Just take it steady to build up. Of course the weather at this time of year does not always encourage going out, but then I guess you have to go out anyway with the dog.

I hope the after-effects are not too bad.


I like this time of year. It may cold, wet and windy, but it's too dark for anybody to see me and take the piss 😂.

Really did enjoy it though. Got a little lost with my thoughts just like the olden days. It's amazing for thinking time.

I enjoy that time outside too. I spend too much of my life at a desk.

I think running has benefits for the mind as well as for the body.


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