SSC Update Week 19

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Greetings, savers! I'm back with another update. Let's get to it:

In my [last report]( ten days ago (why isn't markup working to make that link neat, I've tried like ten times now), I was at 10,531.621 HP, and today I am at 10,596.017. That's an increase of 64.396, which isn't bad! Last report I calculated that I needed +43.188 per week (and this is for ten days) to meet my goal, so I'm about on track.


Last report I also had 325.64 EDS, and today I am at 334.36, an increase of 8.72. A nice bump!

My goals this year are for 12k HP, and 450 EDS, so I'm getting there. :)

What's the Saturday Saver's Club?

It's a club where we support each other in our savings goals, and there are contests where you can win prizes, too! Check it out on the @eddie-earner account if you'd like to join us! :) Have a wonderful week and thanks for reading!

SSC Banner.png

Thank you for increasing your support!

Delegations are very important for us as a non-profit curation initiative and so we are very happy to see that you have increased your support to us! You will now earn more curation rewards on a weekly basis.

Stay creative & HIVE ON!

You’re taking your savings seriously and I love that
Kudos to you and keep it up
I wish you well

Thanks very much, I wish good things for you too!

Dear @rafzat, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @phoenixwren.

Good day, Ma'am! I'm encouraged my your progress. Well done.

Thanks very much.

Hey @mfontom, here is a little bit of BEER from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.