Splinterlands Weekly Recap | Feb 25, 2024

in #splinterlands4 months ago


Another week, another #splinterlands weekly recap. And what a week it was! Let's dig in...

🛠️ Tuesday's release included a number of improvements, including a new ruleset ("Blood and Sunder", which gives every card Corrosive Ward), a new Land shop, several more pages switched to the new Tech Modernization client, and more. Release notes are available here: https://docs.splinterlands.com/platform/release-notes#id-2024-02-20


🐲 The first Conflict airdrop completed and Rage was airdropped to participants. Approximately 4300 BCX of RF and 175 BCX of GF Rages were obtained, and they are currently going for $21.50 and $200 on the market, respectively. The next Airdrop (Kei) started immediately upon the completion of the first airdrop. Details on that one here: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@splinterlands/a-call-to-arms-uprising-in-solace


📺 The 3rd episode of the Killer Whales TV show by @thehellolabs went live on Hello TV, and while I haven't seen it yet myself, the reviews by people who have seen it were very favorable for @Aggroed001 (great job man!). Can't wait for it to go live on Apple TV and Google Play to get more exposure.

🔥 Several big boy moves happened around $SPS and $DEC. Firstly, our good friend and SPS bull @cryptoeater bought 2M SPS directly from the company for 50M DEC, on the condition that he stake it (details here: ~~~ embed:1761389808327504344). Second, we saw about 2M additional SPS getting burned over the course of the week. These led to a pump for SPS, which is up ~6.5% for the week. twitter metadata:X2NyeXB0b2VhdGVyfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL19jcnlwdG9lYXRlci9zdGF0dXMvMTc2MTM4OTgwODMyNzUwNDM0NCkuIFNlY29uZCwgd2Ugc2F3IGFib3V0IDJNIGFkZGl0aW9uYWwgU1BTIGdldHRpbmcgYnVybmVkIG92ZXIgdGhlIGNvdXJzZSBvZiB0aGUgd2Vlay4gVGhlc2UgbGVkIHRvIGEgcHVtcCBmb3IgU1BTLCB3aGljaCBpcyB1cCB+Ni41JSBmb3IgdGhlIHdlZWsufA== ~~~


⚔️ @Yabapmatt released a post with details around the upcoming changes to ranked play, which will go live on February 29th. In a nutshell, the update will (1) remove league limits, (2) flatten the rating system (from ELO to +20/-20), and (3) adjust energy recharge costs. All the details are available here: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@splinterlands/splinterlands-ranked-battle-overhaul

🎮 The COLONY "fork" airdrop snapshot for GLX stakers and GLUSD holders is on February 26. I haven't been able to confirm whether the airdrop for $SPS stakers will also start tomorrow, but I suppose we'll find out soon enough :)

🤖 Meanwhile, if anyone's looking for a cool #Runi, there's an amazing one currently available for 0.226 $ETH (~$680): https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0xd900381f15ca67be1895a3626df210e33c8d7590/1094


Hope you enjoyed the thread, and please let me know if I missed anything! Here's to a great week ahead 🍻


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