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RE: The Secret of Praetoria

in #splinterlands7 months ago

This is an interesting analysis. I am very bullish on the NorthEast, not only for Yabapmatt being there, but this is also where YGG Brawlers and Kingdom of Glory, my two guild alliances, have claimed their territory. Although azircon and vugtis claimed regions in other territories, they also have land plots in NorthEast as well.

I'm quite bullish that we can be the leading territory for research in NorthEast, but I am concerned about the amount of alpha GF that people like Cryptoeater have. It will be very interesting to see how assets are allocated in the early days.


Indeed. It remains to be seen how the land whales (in terms of plots and cards) will choose to work their assets in the early days of the land expansion. Which is getting very, very close.

I also think that the Wild Northeast is a very possible Research winner.