# Evolution Continues - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 46 Report Card

in #splinterstatslast month


While I am still not enjoying Modern at the moment, I have grown used to not having streaks but I think it has become a bit more balanced in terms of also avoiding long losing streaks. I am finding myself playing a lot of known community members which is somewhat fun but I have also lost some battles that are quite suspicious to me around the potential of some accounts not following the terms of service. However, that is what the community wanted so need to roll with it for now.

Match Report


RankDiamond #4334Champion #147
Rating3600 - Diamond I3700 - Champion III
Rating High36003780
Ratio (Win/Loss)4.00 (4/1)0.97 (149/153)
Longest Streak46

I was able to hold onto Champion this Season but probably because I stopped playing the night before in order to avoid falling lower. I switched to Wild for the last morning for a couple of games and was surprised to be against Bronze level teams in Diamond as I decided not to make the push up in Wild to save my DEC for the Promo event and land. I am looking forward to seeing what the Modern bots will do for match liquidity but unsure if I will ever know.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
153✨ 505304 Glint + ⭐3974.266 SPS

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

Got another good bag of Glint this Season which will now be available for me to try to get my missing BCX of Aves as we will soon be able to focus on them for a more expensive choice. I think the team is doing a good job evolving the reward shop by taking ideas from the community and developing them. I have become more casual since the change which for me is probably a good thing as Land is definitely not the focus of the team right now.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards209.180
Ranked Rewards as above3974.266
Brawl Rewards1362.533
Tower Defense301.771
NET SPS5847.750

SPS continues to flow but a slight slowdown as the W/L is not as good. Should get better as I adjust over time and play more.

Still not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but I expected things to get worst before they get better so still some pain to come. In the meantime, I continue to consider ways to strategically grow my Collection for the long term as I still believe the innovation is here and therefore opportunities remain. It may not be a top 100 project, but I think the path to sustainability is underway which could be a good thing for the community.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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Are you playing in the new SPS DAO tournament events? I find the tournaments to be more exciting and challenging than ranked play, especially because the tournaments allow for play at a specific league levels with varied sets allowed.

I'm also earning as much or more SPS from tournaments than ranked play over the past couple seasons which is no small feat considering I'm earning over 5000 SPS per season from ranked play. But we also need to recognize the hard truth that there is way too much SPS with little to no demand since it can be delegated and rented out.

All that being said, I still love playing this game every day over the past few years and look forward to the next few years as the SPS print will eventually stop. I think it will be interesting to see how the SPS DAO manages prize payouts in perpetuity once the SPS print has finished.

It has been busy at work so have not played tournaments in a couple of months but I hope get back to it as things slow down. Not sure I will do any better as it have been rough in ranked this Season so far.

Since I've been playing Modern Silver league brawls for the past 2 years, I find that I actually do better placing in tournaments in silver league than diamond league despite my nearly complete modern collection.

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