Let's Talk SPS: Why is SPS at it's current value?

in #splintertalk2 years ago

lets talk sps.png

If you've looked at SPS in the past few months, you'd notice the downtrend that it's been on. I bet you've also thought to yourself, "Why is SPS at it's current value?". Let's look at SPS!


It's only 0.005 USD away from the value they sold it at the private sale. This is super low now, so if anyone wants to go in, this is a price that private investors barely have a profit if they want to sell. Frankly, I don't see people selling here at this price but more of buying! Well, that's because I believe in the long term future of SPS.

Going back to the question, "Why is SPS at it's current value?", the most truthful answer is, I don't know with 100% certainty. In fact, nobody can really say for 100% certainty why values are as such. What we can do is make some educated assumptions as to the reason for the current value.

1. SPS full utility not yet here

If you want to read about the SPS Road map, you can check it here: "Splintershards (SPS) 2022 Roadmap". Basically, the stuff that we expect to give SPS its value hasn't arrived yet. These include land expansion, rift watchers, and SPS DAO.

2. SPS Airdrop is still Ongoing

With the current airdrop, there is literally so much free SPS being given out daily. This will end by July 2022, so we can expect the value of SPS to start going up a bit by then.

3. Overall Crypto Environment

In the past few months the entire crypto market has been on the downtrend. It's not surprising that altcoins such as SPS will tank too. On the bright side, there is a possibility that it might be alt season by next week so that's good news, right?

There you have it!

Those are the 3 main reasons I think SPS is at it's current value. I am hopeful that in the long run SPS will go back to 1 USD and beyond, but before that sit tight and trust the devs!



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  • Logos and images used are from Splinterlands
  • Divider by @freeztag

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Im hodling SPS with you buddy. Ive been watching it go down for months, kinda sucks.


Yeah, long term bullish on SPS but nothing to do but sit tight.

Just an simple answer - too much SPS created but no mechanism or in-game function to burn SPS, that mean a lot of SPS liquidity

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah, that definitely answers why it's going down, but not why it's valued at 0.10 USD. Hopefully that this is the lowest it goes xD


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What do you predict for the price of SPS?

Short term it should be around it's current value. Long term? Sky's the limit. Although with the supply that's circulating, we need more value to be brought in to SPS, the sooner the better.

They need to put more utility in SPS and only time will tell and show its value. The price is quite appealing at this point and once we move into more and more scarcity we might see some better tokenomics. But the 3 Billion supply is still scary to me and not sure how much the price can go up to justify that.

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Yeah, but the 3 Billion will still be after a few more years (staking and Play to earn) so we've got time. Give or take by around july we're looking at 1 billion supply. From a numbers point of view, the game or at least the brand has to bring in more people willing to have a say in the future direction of SPS for the value to rise in the future. Currently the supply is only 640m which gives a valuation of around 64million dollars. Once July comes around, I fully expect there to be more utility already to SPS to prevent it going below the private investor price.

That does about sum it up lol so STACK IT!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah! Stack as many! Hoard it all!

The presale price puts a psychological floor in. There's really no reason for SPS to go higher until land comes out and that looks like its getting pushed way back.


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I agree. I've been considering it the floor, but who knows if they might decide to break the floor. Lol if the floor breaks I think I'll be converting fiat to SPS then haha

Lets see how the selling pressure will behave after the Airdrop in about 130 days - great time fill up the bags

Yeah! Although without utility I think it'll just not move.

The real answer to this question is the supply that keeps being released into the market. If you've been paying attention, you can see that over the last month the number of SPS in circulation has gone up by like 30M. If you look at the market cap chart you'll see little spikes in market cap with no real volume to drive the price up. That's where the supply is being released. Then a portion or all of that supply is sold into the market and the price goes down.

While the factors you talk about are indeed factors, the biggest driver is the supply. Not sure how long this will keep dripping into the market but...until it ends (or at least pauses for a couple months), the price isn't going anywhere.

I can't remember the exact numbers but I seem to recall back in the fall there being less than 500M. I actually think it might have been considerably less than that even. Probably under 400M. Now it's 640M. That's a LOT of supply to eat without anyone selling.

Just keep watching that number. Someone should ask on the AMA when it's going to stop. Like I said, until it does, the price ain't moving.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The max supply is going to be 3B after 5 years, but based on my assumption we can expect the supply to be around 1B by the end of the SPS airdrop in July.

The biggest driver is the supply

Yeah, I agree! Although that explains why it was going down, so now we need utility to push it back up. Although to be fair I never expected it'd go down to the private sale price so soon.

Well, the private sale price is still higher than "free", which is what people are paying for the airdrop...

I'm a few days away from hitting 20k SPS and I only bought a few hundred just to jumpstart things in the beginning. Of course, I've spent God only knows how much on cards and packs...lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

a gold level deck can't have been cheap xD I just want to have a little hopium and think of SPS hitting that sweet 1 USD mark xD

I think it's possible. Just going to be a while. That's where your factors come in. Once the distribution is completed, then they can get down to the real work of making the token useful. Unfortunately, until that happens, I don't see the token price improving a whole lot. There will be spikes and dips but I have a feeling we're pretty much range-bound in between 10 cents (hopefully) and 15.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Makes me feel kind of silly to have added SPS when it was doing around 20 cents thinking this was a really good deal. HAHA oh well, hindsight 20/20

Nah, it's crypto, anything can happen. Usually the best time to buy is when everyone else is selling. It's hard to get yourself to do it but that's why it works. Plus, you obviously are getting more for staking it and more vouchers as well so it's not like it was wasted. No one ever picks the bottom. You just have to decide whether you like the price and make your decision. I bought a bunch of CUB around 40 cents a couple weeks ago only to watch it drop to 22 cents a day later. Could have spent half as much (or got almost double the amount). It is what it is. I'm not buying it to trade. I'm buying it to hold so how much I have is more important to me than price. I just buy when I have the funds available.

If you have been putting the SPS to work, you should have also gotten VOUCHERS and they should have netted you a decent amount of income. However, I do agree that SPS needs more use-cases and there is just way too much out there with the airdrop happening.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The vouchers were awesome for the SPS holders and a lot of people actually earned money from those when CL first came out. It allowed me to further increase my SPS stake in the past. It added value to SPS in the past but now the vouchers aren't worth much any more. We need the SPS utility and not just benefits from hodling SPS, which is what the vouchers became.

Fingers crossed we get more utility soon!

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I also saw that sps is at its bottom just few minutes ago and wonder why. Only starting to get into the game. Seems not easy for me.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Well, the game is pretty fun when you get the hang of it! It takes a certain level of understanding the meta and how cards work then it's all about applying that knowledge. I'm confident in the future of Splinterlands as a game and a brand so when people ask if they should buy SPS I would always say yes. Hoard that stuff xD

I agree, these are all the more reason to HODL the SPS. Like you said things will get interesting once the airdrop stops in July2022.

Hoping to grind some good results by then.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Good job!