Crypto Soccer

in #sport2 months ago

I really do not follow soccer, but this news was interesting. The Winkelvoss twins, who had some part in founding Facebook and went on to invest big in Bitcoin, are pumping money into a local minor league team.

I had not heard of Real Bedford, but they are really into crypto and are looking to head for the Premier League.

Their manager is 'Bitcoin podcaster' Peter McCormack who has big plans for the club. Getting a few million may allow for buying some players, but this is still chicken feed compared to the top teams. Top sport seems to be about sponsors and media coverage.

We need to build up Hive so it becomes the go-to destination for any communities interested in crypto. People need to realise that the corporate platforms are not acting in their interest and there are alternatives. I just do not have any contacts with anyone around this club to tell them what Hive offers.

My interests tend to be more around music and I think Hive has opportunities there too. We have a fair few professional musicians on Hive already and they can help spread the word to their fans. I always say that both sides have something to gain as the fans can be earning whilst supporting the music they love.

We also have to do what we can to improve the image of crypto. Things like the FTX collapse do us no favours. We need some good news to counter that. I would hope this story at least will get people interested in what crypto can do. It is just unfortunate that it comes just as the prices drop across the board. I am hoping that is a short-term glitch.

My angle on footie is more like this.

You're avin' a larf!


I was just reading about this the other day. Would love to see something like this happen with Hive or have Hive back something like this. That rally car is a pretty big deal though. So there's that.

We could always vote for something like the Dogecoin NASCAR or the BitBowl with Hive. I'm not sure how that would work. We could also take up a Hive collection to sponsor something.

Not quite buying a sports team, but still getting us out there as far as promotion. What ever happened to the Hive TV commercial, wasn't someone working on something like that?

I saw this pop up on my crypto newsfeed the other day and immediately thought of you coz it's your neck of the woods

Very interesting. I have a feeling we will see more things like this in the future as crypto becomes more widely accepted and people continue to make more money off of it. Unfortunately, that's the one thing most people seem to care about.

I love the IT Crowd! Hive needs more PR as it has a lot of utility potential.

Greetings @steevc ,

What splendid news indeed....Very much appreciate your bringing it to Hive.

All the best to them.


Excelente lo que estan logrando estos jóvenes impulsan el deporte y su desarrollo y eso es bueno..

So you think it's a game ok then let's play

Don't say I didn't warn you